
In April, I was thrilled to launch Naturespace, a new Drawing for the Planet (DftP) online gallery. The gallery features nature-inspired art by people of all ages and invites those in need of mind sanctuary, including people living in areas of conflict, displaced by conflict, or seeking respite from illness and life’s adversities to connect with nature through drawing and art. 

Above and post image: 'Street Flowers April - May 2020' limited publication, drawing on carton by Artist, Chloe Briggs 

The concept of Naturespace is simple: regardless of what materials you have to hand, you can find peace through nature and creativity. Share your creations, using the hashtag #dftpnature and tag us on social media, where your art may feature in the gallery or on our platforms here:

Submissions can be anything from drawings, paintings, to photographs, videos and sound. For more suggestions of what to create visit Naturespace here.

To provide inspiration, I am tremendously excited to feature a collection of art by kind permission of practicing artists whose work is inspired by nature:


The Song of the Wren 2017 Mike Collier, artist, lecturer, writer and curator 

I look forward to featuring art created by people who have found mind sanctuary through art and nature. If you know anyone who may find Naturespace helpful please forward this link:

I hope you enjoy the beautiful and thought provoking art in Naturespace!


Assemblages of sea plastics Graham Patterson, North East England based artist




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