Drawing for the Planet’s The Tigers’ Forest project, in partnership with international wildlife charity Born Free, Bombay Natural History Society, Wildlife SOS, and Singapore Wildcat Action Group celebrates the iconic Bengal tigers of India and the majestic Malayan tigers of Peninsular Malaysia. Through the drawings of over a thousand children, the project raises awareness of endangered tigers and the diverse flora and fauna that inhabit their landscapes and raises funds for tiger conservation organisations.
Led by artist and Drawing for the Planet founder Jane Lee McCracken, children from the UK, the USA, India, and Singapore are invited to learn about tigers and create ballpoint pen drawings in workshops delivered by Jane, Born Free, and project ambassador Ayan Kamath Mehra, a Born Free Youth Ambassador and The Tigers' Forest Project Ambassador.
Scroll down to view the complete page or click on the section links below:
Launched in 2024, The Tigers' Forest project includes the Amazing Tigers virtual and on-site tiger education and drawing workshops delivered to children from the UK, the USA, India and Singapore. Drawing for the Planet is raising funds so that children living in the buffer zones of tiger reserves in India can participate in the project. Drawing for the Planet is also planning to continue the project beyond 2025 so that children from other tiger inhabited countries can participate.
As part of the project Jane will create The Tigers’ Forest montage featuring a selection of children’s drawings from all four countries. Drawing for the Planet will seek to install large printed murals of the artworks in public spaces in India, the UK, the USA and Singapore.
She is also creating individual montages for each school featuring drawings by all participating children—Drawing for the Planet will present prints/or murals of the artworks to the schools. Scroll down to The Artworks section.
Learn about enchanting species that inhabit tiger landscapes illustrated by project drawings. Scroll down to The Wildlife section. Meet some of our Tiger Champion artists. Scroll down to The Artists section.
Born Free/DftP will create a free legacy educational resource of Amazing Tigers workshops which will be available for teachers to download from our websites.
Since May 2024 over 1500 children from Singapore (May 2024), the UK (May 2024), the USA (November 2024) and New Delhi, India (January 2025) have participated in the workshops making drawings of over 160 Indian and Malaysian species including 300 tiger drawings, double the population of wild Malayan tigers.
In the Amazing Tigers education workshops delivered by Laura Eastwood Born Free's Head of Education, Laura focuses on tiger facts, their rainforest habitats in both India and Malaysia, why non-human animals are important to forest, the impact of deforestation and poaching and the Illegal Wildlife Trade, and how we can help protect tigers and other wildlife.
This is followed by a presentation by Ayan Kamath Mehra, a Born Free Youth Ambassador and The Tigers' Forest Project Ambassador where children learn about his passions for wildlife and art and how he raises funds through his art for wildlife conservation.
In Jane's ballpoint pen drawing workshops young artists choose photographs of tigers or other species from their landscapes as inspiration for their drawings.
Jane asks the artists to draw the animal only and not include any background present in the photograph. This approach emphasises the beautiful form of the animal. It also symbolises that habitat loss is one of the greatest threats to wildlife.
Jane encourages each artist to imagine what the animal in the photograph has seen with its eyes and to form emotional connections with the animal while making their drawing—if we want to save wildlife, it is vital to make emotional connections with animal species; if we care, we want to conserve.
She also encourages the artists to express themselves, enjoy transporting their minds through drawing, celebrate their own unique drawing style, and embrace the fact that everyone can draw!
The Tigers’ Forest aims to:
- Raise awareness of endangered tigers and why keystone species are vital to global ecosystems and need to be protected.
- Create an artistic and educational legacy through the drawings of a global generation of young people.
- Build a network of awareness throughout tiger inhabited countries by sharing The Tigers' Forest artistic and educational legacy with the aim of providing more children and communities with the opportunity to participate in workshops and create art for the project.
DftP is raising funds to donate to the following tiger conservation organisations to support their vital work protecting tigers:
- Bombay Natural History Society
- Wildlife SOS
- Singapore Wildcat Action Group
- Born Free’s tiger conservation work through the Satpuda Landscape Tiger Partnership (SLTP)
DftP is also raising funds so that underprivileged children—including children that live in tiger-inhabited areas in India—can learn about tigers in Born Free’s workshops and take part in Jane’s drawing workshops.
To support this project and help protect tigers, and give the gift of art and environmental education to children and communities please DONATE via our donate page and add in the form comments "THE TIGERS' FOREST" for your donation to go directly to this project:
Butterfly Lover 2014 © Jane Lee McCracken
Jane's journey to Drawing for the Planet and The Tigers' Forest began in Edinburgh in the 1970s, when, at age eight, she read in a wildlife magazine that the Caspian tiger had been declared extinct and made a promise to help tigers and endangered wildlife. Read more here:
Since 2014, Jane has worked in partnership with Born Free—in 2023, Born Free contacted her with an inquiry from Ayan, who was keen to get involved in a Drawing for the Planet project. Ayan, a high school student in Singapore had previously written an illuminating post, Sketching a Solution, about art and wildlife as a guest blogger on DftP's blog.
Like Jane, Ayan is passionate about the natural world and art and has raised funds for wildlife conservation through his art, including drawings of tigers. Jane saw this as an opportunity written in the stripes to celebrate their passion for tigers!
Jane said:
"I've long dreamt of developing a project to honour the alluring animal that has been a glowing presence in my mind and heart since childhood—the tiger! The Tigers' Forest is a dream come true, and it is a privilege to partner with Born Free, working with Laura, Ayan, and the Born Free team on the project. A gifted artist, Ayan's tireless dedication and his advocacy for wildlife are inspirational. He is a tremendous asset, and we are immensely proud that Ayan is our project ambassador."
Panthera tigris
Conservation status: ENDANGERED (IUCN Red List)
Population: Global: ~3,726-5,578 individuals, with a best estimate of 4,485 (~2,608-3,905 mature individuals, with a best estimate of 3,140); last assessed by IUCN in 2021. India: ~3,682 tigers are found in India; according to the National Tiger Conservation Authority’s Status of Tigers: Co-Predators and Prey in India 2022 report.
Information courtesy of Born Free:
Tigers are a keystone species, meaning they have a significant impact on the environment that they live in.
As top predators, they help to maintain herbivore populations, reducing disease and preventing overgrazing. As they need so much space, protecting tigers and their habitats means that we can protect many other species.
Tigers are the largest cat on earth. There are six surviving subspecies, the Siberian tiger, the Southern China tiger (although possibly extinct in the wild), the Indochinese tiger, the Malayan tiger, the Sumatran tiger and the Bengal tiger. They are agile, with flexible bodies designed for running, jumping and climbing. Heavily muscled forelimbs, retractable claws, powerful jaws, sharp teeth and acute senses make them incredible hunters.
Tigers have a reddish-orange to yellow-ochre coat with a white belly and black stripes and their distinctive markings blend into the colours and shadows of their habitat, providing excellent camouflage. Although tiger size varies widely between subspecies and where they live, male tigers tend to be much larger than females. Read more here:
Habitat Loss
Tiger populations are on the brink of extinction in many countries in South East Asia, due, largely, to habitat loss. This is the result of rapid human population expansion and the related increases in mining, logging, farming, palm oil plantations, settlements, roads and railways. As tiger habitats have split and separated, inbreeding has become more common, which also contributes to the decline in numbers.
Human-tiger Conflict
Throughout their range, tigers find themselves in conflict with farmers that persecute them for killing their livestock. People have also been attacked and killed by tigers, which has further fuelled retaliatory killings and low tolerance for the animals. Many large tracts of forest are now empty of wild prey and livestock are, increasingly, competing with tigers and their prey for habitat, further driving tiger numbers down.
Poaching and the Illegal Wildlife Trade
Poaching and the exploitation of tigers in tiger farms for their skins as luxury rugs and home décor, and for their bones which are used to make traditional Asian medicines and health tonics, is a significant threat. Indiscriminate snaring and poison traps, often set for hunting small animals for bushmeat, inevitably end up injuring or killing tigers, contributing to their decline.
Tigers are also exploited and abused in captivity – in circuses, zoos, tiger farms and in people’s private collections of wild animals as pets.

The following The Tigers' Forest montages created by Jane feature drawings of India and Malaysia's remarkable wildlife by participating children from Singapore and the UK. Montages featuring drawings by children from India will be created and added to the online gallery following completion of the workshops in 2025. A selection of the drawings illustrate species information in The Wildlife section—scroll down to learn about many of the animals children championed through their beautiful drawings. The montage above features a selection of drawings of 97 species by 129 young artists from Gosforth Central Middle School, UK. The diamond pattern formed by the tiger drawings reminds us that each of these species is a precious jewel we are fortunate to share Earth with.

On November 8, 2024, Grade 3 children from El Morro Elementary School, Laguna Beach participated in workshops. 55 children and K-5 Visual and Performing Arts ToSA, Cama Stevens's drawings of 41 species including Asian elephant (endangered), greater one-horned rhino (vulnerable) and fishing cat (vulnerable) are included in the montage.
On November 12 and 14, 2024, Grade 3 children from Top of the World Elementary School, Laguna Beach participated in workshops. 101 children and teachers including K-5 Visual and Performing Arts ToSA, Laguna Beach Unified School District, Sarah Wolsey's drawings of 73 species including lion-tailed macaque (endangered), leopard (vulnerable) and Indian star tortoise (vulnerable) are represented in the montage.

The project team worked with Mr Koltusky, Art Teacher, Singapore American School. High school students participated in an onsite/virtual workshop on 8 May, 2024. The workshop was organised by Ayan, Project Ambassador, assisted by Dharma, Vihan, and Priyali, DftP volunteers. The montage features drawings by children, staff and parents of 13 species including Malayan tiger, Malay tapir and common palm civet.
Year 4: Snowy Owls
The project team worked with Mrs. Dibb, Art Lead and Reception Teacher, South Gosforth First School, Newcastle-upon Tyne where Nursery-Year 4 children participated in workshops between 13-15 May, 2024. The montages feature drawings by all participating children. The school raised funds for The Tigers' Forest through print sales of the artworks.
Year 4: Eagle Owls
Year 3: Kestrels
Year 3: Red Kites
Year 2: Kingfishers
Year 2: Doves
Year 1: Starlings
Year 1: Goldfinches
Reception: Puffins
Reception: Robins
Nursery: Ducklings

Class 5EF
The project team worked with Mrs. Jobling, Acting Assistant Head (Inclusion), Head of Art & Technology and Patrick Quilliam, Year 5 Art Teacher, Gosforth Central Middle School, Newcastle-upon Tyne and delivered workshops to over 600 children from Year 5-Year 8 between 20-22 May, 2024. The following composite artworks feature drawings by all children with parental/guardian permission for drawing inclusion in the project. The school is raising funds for The Tigers' Forest through print sales of the artworks.
Class 5JW
Class 5LP
Class 5RD
Class 5RL
Class 6CG
Class 6EZ
Class 6JK
Class 6MH
Class 6RM
Class 7AM and 7KH
Class 7GW
Classes 7MF and VW
Class 8CWi
Classes 8DL and 8JW
Classes 8KT and 8MJ
Each of the species from India and Malaysia, illustrated by drawings created for The Tigers' Forest, plays a vital role in its ecosystem. Like humans, they live their lives according to their needs. Imagine what their eyes have seen in the forests of the Bengal and Malayan tigers.
Many of these beautiful animals are threatened with extinction. It is up to all of us to protect and cherish them. Learn more about each species with information provided by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and other sources:
Explore the magical species of the Bengal tigers' forest, including the dhole, the Sri Lankan giant squirrel, Indian peafowl and the peacock tarantula illustrated by children from the UK.
Panthera tigris
Population: 3,726-5,578 (includes all tiger subspecies), with a best estimate of 4,485 (~2,608-3,905 mature individuals, with a best estimate of 3,140); Indian population: 3,682
Drawings: Gosforth Central Middle School and South Gosforth First School children
"Bengal tiger, (subspecies Panthera tigris tigris), subspecies of tiger (Panthera tigris) inhabiting the hot and humid forests, and wetlands of India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Nepal. The Bengal tiger’s appearance is distinguished from other tiger subspecies by its orange coat accented by prominent brownish-to-black stripes; a rare white-coated variant of the subspecies (the white tiger) also exists. The Bengal tiger rivals the larger, thicker-furred, cold-climate Siberian tiger in size, and most experts consider the Bengal tiger to be the world’s second largest tiger... The largest male Bengal tigers can grow up to about 3.2 metres long (including a 1-metre long tail)... Females are smaller, the largest ones measuring about 2.7 metres long... They are solitary hunters, preying primarily on ungulates (including deer and antelope), gaurs, and wild boars."

Drawings: Lottie and Gurneesh, Year 5, Gosforth Central Middle School; Elisa, Year 5 and Ada, Reception, South Gosforth First School
"Many forests in Asia depend on elephants for seed dispersal and creating trails and clearings through which seedlings can grow. With vegetation growth, more carbon can be sequestered, helping mitigate the impacts of climate change. The habitats created by Asian elephants also help support numerous species... Elephants are highly social animals with extremely complex behaviours. Asian Elephants live in herds, typically of around 8-12 individuals although this number can be much higher, that are presided over by a dominant female, known as the matriarch. The matriarch, using information passed on by her mother, guides and protects the family, which consists of her sisters, daughters, female cousins and calves. The matriarch’s knowledge of the home range and traditional water sources is vital to the herd’s survival." Read the complete description:

Conservation status: ENDANGERED (IUCN Red List)
Population: 2,500, DECREASING
Drawing: Hugo, Year 5, Gosforth Central Middle School
Thai National Parks/Wild Water Buffalo:
"The wild water buffalo, also called Asian buffalo and Asiatic buffalo, is a large bovine native to the Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia...They rank alongside the gaur as the heaviest living wild bovid species, as both attain similar average if not maximum weights, although, with their stockier, shorter-legged frame, wild water buffalo are somewhat less in length and height than the gaur... Wild water buffalos occur in India, Nepal, Bhutan, Thailand, and Cambodia, with an unconfirmed population in Myanmar." Read the complete description:
Macaca silenus
Conservation status: ENDANGERED (IUCN Red List)
Population: 2,400-2,500, DECREASING
Drawing: Eamonn, Year 4, South Gosforth First School; Josh, Year 7, Gosforth Central Middle School
Centre for Wildlife Studies India/Lion-tailed Macaque:
"Lion-tailed macaques are shy, relatively small monkeys known for their pitch-black bodies and contrasting silver-white manes. These fruit-eating primates were once a common sight in the rainforests of Southern India. In the last century, however, they have steadily declined, causing scientists to declare them endangered... In Karnataka, lion-tailed macaques are locally known as Singalika which literally translates to “Lion-like”. Their distribution is confined to the tropical wet evergreen forests of the Western Ghats of India. Endemic to the States of Karnataka, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu, these arboreal mammals have evolved to occupy a specialised ecological niche." Read the complete article:

Cuon alpinus
Conservation status: ENDANGERED (IUCN Red List)
Population: 949-2,215, DECREASING
Drawings: Thomas and Stefan, Year 4, South Gosforth First School; Amy, Year 7 and Alice, Year 6, Gosforth Central Middle School
"The Dhole, otherwise known as the Asiatic Wild Dog, Whistling Dog or Red Wolf, has been described as a canid which combines the characteristics of the Grey Wolf and the Red Fox. The Dhole has rust-coloured fur with a paler throat and underbelly, amber eyes and a dark tail. Compared to the African Wild Dog, it has a long backbone and short legs, but it shares rounded, rather than pointed, ears with its African relative. The name Whistling Dog comes from one of its many types of vocalisations, a distinctive whistle used to reassemble pack members in their dense forest habitat. They live in packs and are highly sociable, resembling African Wild Dogs in social structure with less of a dominance hierarchy than Grey Wolves. However, the packs regularly split off into small clans of 3-5 individuals for hunting, which is optimal for catching fawns during the spring season." Read the complete description:

Manis crassicaudata
Conservation status: ENDANGERED (IUCN Red List)
Drawings: Lila, Year 8, Maya, Year 7, and Lucia, Year 6, Gosforth Central Middle School
"Pangolins are mammals with plate-like scales all over their bodies, except their faces and underbelly. When threatened, they roll up into a ball and their scales form an armoured exterior. Pangolin scales are made of keratin, the same protein that makes up human hair and nails, and the scales harden as they reach maturity... Pangolins are the world’s most trafficked mammals. Historically they’ve been hunted for their meat, bile, scales and claws, and their scales are used in traditional medicine in China and Vietnam. High levels of hunting and poaching for the illicit trade in their meat and scales – for traditional medicines in Asia – mean there has been a dramatic decrease in pangolin populations over the last 15 years." Read the complete description:

Nilgiritragus hylocrius
Conservation status: ENDANGERED (IUCN Red List)
Population: 1,800-2,000, DECREASING
Drawing: Florence, Year 5, Gosforth Central Middle School
"Tahr [are] any of three wary and sure-footed wild goatlike mammals of the family Bovidae, native to Asia. Tahrs live in herds and frequent steep, often wooded mountainsides. They range in shoulder height from 60 to 106 cm (24 to 42 inches), depending on the species... The Nilgiri tahr, or Nilgiri ibex, of southern India, is dark brown with a grizzled saddle-shaped patch on its back; its body size is comparable to that of the Himalayan species." Read the complete description:

Bos gaurus
Conservation status: VULNERABLE (IUCN Red List)
Population: 6,000-21,000, DECREASING
Drawings: Delisa, Year 3, South Gosforth First School; Zac, Year 6 and Natalie, Year 8, Gosforth Central Middle School
"Gaur, or Indian Bison, are a close wild relative of domestic cattle... Gaur are strong and mightily built, with a high grey ridge on their forehead between their horns, which curve upwards from the sides of the head." Read the complete description:

Rhinoceros unicornis
Conservation status: VULNERABLE (IUCN Red List)
Population: 2,100-2,200, INCREASING
Drawings: Lucy, 826LA; Jack, Year 3 and Elliot, Year 4, South Gosforth First School; Jasmine, Year 8 and Ethan, Year 7, Gosforth Central Middle School
"Indian rhinoceros, [also known as the Greater One-horned rhino] is the largest of the three Asian rhinoceroses. It stands 2 metres high at the shoulder and is 3.5 metres long. The Indian rhinoceros is more or less equivalent in size to the white rhinoceros of Africa and is distinguishable from the Javan rhinoceros by its greater size, the presence of a large horn, tubercles on its skin, and a different arrangement of skin folds. The Indian rhinoceros occupies the world’s tallest grasslands, where at the end of the summer monsoon in October grasses reach 7 metres (23 feet) tall. They are primarily grazers, except during the winter when they consume a larger proportion of browse. The Indian rhinoceros fights with its razor-sharp lower outer incisor teeth, not with its horn." Read the complete description:

Melursus ursinus
Conservation status: VULNERABLE (IUCN Red List)
Drawings: Jay, Year 4, South Gosforth First School; Laila, 826LA; Reuben, Year 6, Gosforth Central Middle School
"When one hears the name “Sloth bear” for the first time, it can be quite puzzling to imagine what this animal looks like... It was in 1791 that European zoologist George Shaw came across this bear and may have misunderstood its characteristics to be more akin to that of a Sloth’s as opposed to a bear’s, hence giving it the name “bear sloth”... Sloth bears are one of the eight bear species found across the world, and they mainly inhabit the region of India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and presumably Bhutan. They have long, shaggy dark brown or black fur and curved claws, which are the longest out of any of the bear species. Long claws were another reason that made Shaw assume that these bears were a part of the Sloth family. However, unlike Sloths, these bears use their claws for digging rather than an aid to hang on trees." Read the complete description:

Prionailurus viverrinus
Conservation status: VULNERABLE (IUCN Red List)
Drawing: Holly, Year 4, South Gosforth First School
Fishing Cat Conservation Alliance:
"The fishing cat, is a highly elusive wild cat species found primarily in wetland and mangrove habitats with some populations in Sri Lanka having even been recorded in highly urbanised landscapes and montane forests... Unlike most felines, fishing cats love water and are known for their expert hunting skills in aquatic habitats. Habitat loss and fragmentation, conflict with humans over poultry and livestock, as well as the demand for bushmeat and trade for captive wildlife are causing fishing cat populations to decline." Read the complete description:

Panthera pardus
Conservation status: VULNERABLE (IUCN Red List)
Drawings: Samuel, Year 2, South Gosforth First School; Ben, Year 7, Gosforth Central Middle School
"Leopards are some of the top predators in their environment and they play an important role in controlling the populations of herbivores and other small animals that they may prey on. Without predation, herbivore populations could increase to unsustainable levels, negatively impacting the abundance and diversity of vegetation. Due to leopard’s space requirements, they are considered to be an ‘umbrella’ species, meaning that by protecting leopards and their habitat, we are helping to protect many other species that live alongside leopards." Read the complete description:

Prionailurus rubiginosus
Conservation status: NEAR THREATENED (IUCN Red List)
Drawing: Idris, Year 5, Gosforth Central Middle School
Wildlife SOS/Rusty Spotted Cat:
"Weighing a mere 2 pounds (almost 300 times smaller than a tiger)—the Rusty-spotted cat is one of the smallest cat species in the world. However, what they lack in size, they make up for in being fierce hunters! The Rusty-spotted cat is endemic to the dry deciduous forests, scrubs and grasslands of India, Sri Lanka and Nepal. Their population in India is fragmented as intensive irrigated agriculture has negatively impacted their prime habitat. There is still much to learn about this elusive species but studies confirm that they are nocturnal and are considered terrestrial with arboreal tendencies. Their diet primarily consists of rodents, birds, lizards, frogs, and insects. Due to their size, speed and agility, Rusty-spotted cats are often referred to as the “hummingbird of the cat family.” Read the complete description:

Semnopithecus priam
Conservation status: NEAR THREATENED (IUCN Red List)
Drawings: Joey, Year 8, Will, Daniel, Ethan and Alexander Year 5, Gosforth Central Middle School
"This species is found in tropical dry evergreen forest, riparian, dry deciduous forest, coastal forest, gardens, around temples in Sri Lanka and cultivated areas. It is found in India up to 1,200 m and in Sri Lanka up to 500 m. It is arboreal, semi-terrestrial, folivorous and frugivorous, and diurnal. In southern India, these langurs are not very commensal with humans except in areas like Doddabetta-Cauvery Wildlife Sanctuary, Bandipur, Horsley Hills, Tirupathi, Kurnool, and Chinnar. Interestingly, troop size in these areas are high exhibiting multi male societies. The Sri Lankan population is restricted to the dry zone in the north." Read the complete description:

Ratufa macroura
Conservation status: NEAR THREATENED (IUCN Red List)
Drawings: Hugo, Year 4, South Gosforth First School; Tabitha, Year 5, Gosforth Central Middle School
Conservation India/Grizzled Giant Squirrel:
"The [Sri Lankan giant squirrel also known as the] grizzled giant squirrel is the smallest of all giant squirrels. It is found in the riparian forests of Southern India and Sri Lanka. Unlike their cousins, grizzled giant squirrels prefer riverine or riparian forests, which grow next to rivers. They are called ‘grizled’ due to the white flecks of hair that cover their greyish-brown body. Like all giant squirrels, they are arboreal. They are crepuscular (active at dawn and dusk) and spend most of their time foraging in the canopy. They consume fruits, bark and seeds of many plant species, thus aiding in their dispersal and help improving native floral biodiversity. Like its larger cousin, the Malabar giant squirrels, grizzled giant squirrels also build a nest from leaves and twigs where they raise their pups." Read the complete description:

Rousettus leschenaultii
Conservation status: NEAR THREATENED (IUCN Red List)
Drawings: James, Year 3, South Gosforth First School; Benjamin, Year 6, Gosforth Central Middle School
IUCN Red List/Leschenault's Rousette:
"[Leschenault's rousette] is found in a variety of habitats ranging from tropical moist forest to urban environments. Roosts have been predominantly found in caves and abandoned buildings. It feeds on fruit, flowers and leaves. Additionally, it has been shown to occasionally feed on small fish..." Read the complete description:

Kerivoula picta
Conservation status: NEAR THREATENED (IUCN Red List)
Drawings: Yasen, Year 2, South Gosforth First School; Jacob, Year 5 and Jack, Year 8, Gosforth Central Middle School
Thai National Parks/Painted Woolly Bat:
"The painted bat is a species of vesper bat in the family Vespertilionidae. It is found in Bangladesh, Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam. It is found in arid woodland and is fairly uncommon but widespread... Kerivoula picta is bright orange or scarlet, with black wings and orange along the fingers. As in other species of Kerivoula, K. picta possesses long, woolly, rather curly hair, a small, fragile form, large funnel-shaped ears and 38 teeth... Older males are brighter than females... The bright and broken coloration of these bats may be a form of camouflage to protect them, as they have been reported to blend in with dried leaves and flowers when they roost. Hunting flights last around 1–2 hours..." Read the complete description:
Loris lydekkerianus
Conservation status: NEAR THREATENED (IUCN Red List)
Drawings: Emily, Year 1, and Philip, Year 3, South Gosforth First School
"Loris, [are]... tail-less or short-tailed South and Southeast Asian forest primates. Lorises are arboreal and nocturnal, curling up to sleep by day. They have soft gray or brown fur and can be recognized by their huge eyes encircled by dark patches and by their short index fingers. They move with great deliberation through the trees and often hang by their feet, with their hands free to grasp food or branches... The two species of slender lorises (the red slender loris [Loris tardigradus] and the gray slender loris [L. lydekkerianus]) of India and Sri Lanka are about 20–25 cm (8–10 inches) long and have long slender limbs, small hands, a rounded head, and a pointed muzzle. Slender lorises feed mostly on insects (predominantly ants) and are solitary..." Read the complete description:
Paraechinus nudiventris
Conservation status: LEAST CONCERN (IUCN Red List)
Population: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN (population trend)
Drawings: Diana, Year 8, Gosforth Middle Central School
Conservation India/Madras Hedgehog:
"The Madras hedgehog also known as the bare-bellied hedgehog, is a small-sized insectivorous mammal endemic to the dry scrub forests and grasslands of southeastern India. It is one of the 17 species of hedgehogs found in the world. Although locally common in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, very little is known about the Madras hedgehog’s ecology and population status. Hedgehogs are hunted for medicinal purposes and traded in the illegal pet trade. At the same time, they face habitat loss due to the collection of fuel wood, logging, agriculture, and urbanization..." Read the complete description:
Axis axis
Conservation status: LEAST CONCERN (IUCN Red List)
Population: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN (population trend)
Drawings: Henry, Year 4, South Gosforth First School; Annie, Year 5, Gosforth Middle Central School
"Chital are attractive spotted deer ranging from golden to rufous in colour... Males are much larger than females and grow large, lyre-shaped antlers. They have white fur on their abdomen, rump, throat, ears and on the inner side of their tails... Chital often occur in the company of Common Myna, Sambar and Grey Langurs. They have a commensual relationship with the Common Myna, a common bird belonging to the starling family, who benefit from the insects disturbed by browsing deer. The relationship with Sambar and Grey Langurs is more mutualistic, as both species benefit from the extra vigilance of larger numbers and will both react to alarm calls of the other species. From their high vantage points, Grey Langurs make good sentinels, and chital also benefit from food dropped or dislodged by the foraging monkeys." Read the complete description:

Conservation status: LEAST CONCERN (IUCN Red List)
Population: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN (population trend)
Drawing: Alexander, Year 8, Gosforth Middle Central School
"Mongoose [are] small bold predatory carnivores found mainly in Africa but also in southern Asia and southern Europe. Mongooses are noted for their audacious attacks on highly venomous snakes such as king cobras..." Read the complete description: N.B. The small Indian mongoose species, once native of Iraq and Northern India has been introduced to many countries including Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Fiji, French Guiana, Guyana, Jamaica, Japan, Mauritius, Puerto Rico, Suriname, Tanzania, United Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, United States (Hawaiian Is.); Virgin Islands, British; Virgin Islands, U.S.
Boselaphus tragocamelus
Conservation status: LEAST CONCERN (IUCN Red List)
Population: 70,000-100,000, STABLE
Drawing: James, Year 7, Gosforth Middle Central School; Kyle, 826LA volunteer
"Nilgai, [is] the largest Asian antelope. The nilgai is indigenous to the Indian subcontinent, and Hindus accord it the same sacred status as cattle (both belong to the subfamily Bovinae). Accordingly, the nilgai is the only one of the four Indian antelopes that is still abundant. Nilgai is the Hindustani word for “blue cow,” which describes the blue-gray of adult bulls. (Cows are orange-brown.) The nilgai’s conformation, however, is more horselike than cowlike: it has a long neck with a short upright mane, a bony narrow head, a barrel-like chest, strong legs, and high withers sloping back to the croup..." Read the complete description:
Canis aureus
Conservation status: LEAST CONCERN (IUCN Red List)
Drawing: Avie, Year 5, Gosforth Middle Central School
"The Golden Jackal is a medium-sized canid which mainly inhabits dry, open habitats, and is less likely to be found in wet, evergreen forests. They are mainly nocturnal in habits, but may be observed early morning or late afternoon: during the heat of the day they tend to shelter in the cool of their burrows. Their call is described as a series of whines and yelps, which may be heard just before dawn or just after dusk. In parts of India they may form large packs, but in Southeast Asia they are generally solitary or travel in pairs. Typical family groups comprise a male, female and four to five pups.Their prey mainly comprises small vertebrates, for example rodents, lizards and frogs, but they will also consume carrion and the remains of animals killed by larger predators. Their size distinguishes them from the much larger Dhole Cuon alpinus and from typical feral 'domestic' dogs..." Read the complete description:
Viverricula indica
Conservation status: LEAST CONCERN (IUCN Red List)
Drawing: Joel, Year 2, South Gosforth First School
Ecology India/Small Indian Civet:
"The Small Indian Civet, or Little Civet, inhabits non-forest areas such as grassland, secondary scrub and disturbed, agricultural areas. It is mainly nocturnal and generally terrestrial, but can climb well if needed. It has a broad, omnivorous diet which includes small vertebrates (reptiles, amphibians, small mammals, birds), invertebrates (large insects) and some fruits and roots. In comparison with other civets in the region, this species is medium in size, being somewhat larger than the mainly arboreal Small-toothed Palm Civet, but smaller than the Malay Civet and other species of the genus Viverra..." Read the complete description:
Lepus nigricollis
Conservation status: LEAST CONCERN (IUCN Red List)
Drawing: Arjun, Year 5, Gosforth Central Middle School
"The Indian Hare can be found in wide variety of habitats such as short grasslands, barren agricultural fields, crop fields, and forest roads. The species can be seen in forests of many types other than the mangroves and tall grassland habitats... The Indian Hare is characterized as a shy species. It exhibits activity during crepuscular and nocturnal hours." Read the complete description:
Urva smithii
Conservation status: LEAST CONCERN (IUCN Red List)
Drawings: Miranda, Year 6, Gosforth Central Middle School; Peter, Year 4, South Gosforth First School
"The ecology of Ruddy Mongoose remains little known. Most records are from open forest, including dry forests, dry thorn areas, and disturbed forests, although there are also records, albeit fewer, from anthropogenic open dry areas and secluded rice paddy fields... Ruddy Mongoose is perhaps partly crepuscular, although there are many records by day and some by night. It climbs in trees at least occasionally, but evidently spends most of it time at ground level." Read the complete description:
Macaca mulatta
Conservation status: LEAST CONCERN (IUCN Red List)
Drawings: Omar, Year 8, and Bobby, Year 7, Gosforth Central Middle School; Arthur, Year 4, and Johnny, Year 3, South Gosforth First School
Thai National Parks/Rhesus Monkey:
"The rhesus native to South, Central, and Southeast Asia and has the widest geographic range of all non-human primates, occupying a great diversity of altitudes and a great variety of habitats, from grasslands to arid and forested areas, but also close to human settlements... They are regular swimmers. Babies as young as a few days old can swim, and adults are known to swim over a half mile between islands, but are often found drowned in small groups where their drinking waters lie. Rhesus macaques are noted for their tendency to move from rural to urban areas, coming to rely on handouts or refuse from humans. They adapt well to human presence, and form larger troops in human-dominated landscapes than in forests." Read the complete description:
Rhinopoma microphyllum
Conservation status: LEAST CONCERN (IUCN Red List)
Drawings: Kiran, Year 5, and Florence, Year 6, Gosforth Central Middle School
Thai National Parks/Greater Mouse-Tailed Bat:
"The Greater Mouse-tailed found in Algeria, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Chad, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Iraq, Jordan, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Myanmar, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sudan, Thailand, Tunisia, the Western Sahara and Yemen. Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical dry shrubland... According to a recent research published in Royal Society of London, the species is found to be hibernating at the unusually warm and constant temperature of 68°F in caves in Israel's Great Rift Valley. From October to February, these bats were discovered semi-conscious, breathing only once every 15-30 minutes, with extremely low energy expenditures." Read the complete description:
Cynopterus sphinx
Conservation status: LEAST CONCERN (IUCN Red List)
Drawing: Nuria, Year 7, Gosforth Central Middle School
Thai National Parks/Greater Short-nosed Fruit Bat:
"The greater short-nosed fruit bat or short-nosed Indian fruit bat is a species of megabat in the Pteropodidae family. It is found in South and Southeast Asia, where it is known as තල වවුලා (thala wawulaa) by Sinhalese people in Sri Lanka... These bats have a relatively long snout. Their upper parts are brown to grey-brown with paler under parts. The fur is very fine and silky... [They are most] common in tropical forests and areas where fruit crops are cultivated. They can also be found in grassland and mangrove forests. They typically nest high in palm trees. The bats chew the fronds of the palms to construct fairly simple tents. These bats are also known to construct tents by closely interweaving the leaves and twigs of creeping vines which cover buildings, but such nests are constructed only when palms are not available... These bats are important dispersers of date palm seeds, and pollinate many night blooming flowers." Read the complete description:
Ratufa indica
Conservation status: LEAST CONCERN (IUCN Red List)
Drawings: Everly, Year 2, South Gosforth First School; Mattia, Year 8, Gosforth Central Middle School
Nature in Focus/Giant Squirrels of India:
"Also known as the Malabar Giant Squirrel... [it] is characterised by its rufous-brown/purple colour and its ability to quickly jump from one tree to another. The tree-dwelling squirrel is rarely found on the ground and can leap over impressive heights of about 6 metres—a skill that comes in handy when a leopard is on the prowl. Malabar Giant Squirrels feed on flowers, fruits, bark and nuts, often stretching themselves to reach the source of sustenance, and leaving a messy trail all around." Read the complete article:
Anathana ellioti
Conservation status: LEAST CONCERN (IUCN Red List)
Drawing: Anonymous, Gosforth Central Middle School
IUCN Red List/Madras Treeshrew:
"The species occurs in scrub jungle, dry and moist deciduous forests and in montane sholas (wet evergreen forests)." Read the complete description:
Felis chaus
Conservation status: LEAST CONCERN (IUCN Red List)
Drawing: Estelle, Year 6, Gosforth Central Middle School
Thai National Parks/Jungle Cat:
"The jungle cat, also called reed cat and swamp cat, is a medium-sized cat native to the Middle East, South and Southeast Asia and southern China. It inhabits foremost wetlands like swamps, littoral and riparian areas with dense vegetation. The jungle cat has a uniformly sandy, reddish-brown or grey fur without spots; melanistic and albino individuals are also known. It is solitary in nature, except during the mating season and mother-kitten families. Adults maintain territories by urine spraying and scent marking. Its preferred prey is small mammals and birds. It hunts by stalking its prey, followed by a sprint or a leap; the ears help in pinpointing the location of prey... Kittens begin to catch their own prey at around six months and leave the mother after eight or nine months..." Read the complete description:
Cynopterus brachyotis
Conservation status: LEAST CONCERN (IUCN Red List)
Drawings: Alper, Year 4 and Eleanor, Year 1, South Gosforth First School
Ecology Asia/Lesser Dog-faced Fruit Bat:
"Also called the Short-nosed or Common Fruit Bat, this species is common and abundant throughout most of its range. It occurs in a range of habitats from lowland primary and secondary forests to mangroves, cultivated areas, and parks and gardens. By day it roosts under shaded trees, sometimes underneath the protective cover of epiphytic ferns, or near the entrance of caves. It can be identified by the pale edges of the ears and the whitish wing bones. It feeds on small fruits, figs and nectar. The species ranges from Sri Lanka, through Myanmar, Thailand and Indochina to Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines and Indonesia.." Read the complete description:
Pteropus medius
Conservation status: LEAST CONCERN (IUCN Red List)
Drawings: Eli, Year 7, Gosforth Central Middle School; Ronan, Year 2, South Gosforth First School
IUCN Red List/ Indian Flying Fox:
"This species roosts in large colonies of hundreds to thousands of individuals on large trees in rural and urban areas, close to agricultural fields, ponds and by the side of roads. It feeds on a wide variety of fruits and flowers, both wild and cultivated..." Read the complete description:
Canis lupus pallipes
Conservation status: UNLISTED IUCN Red List
Drawing: Bethan, Year 6, Gosforth Central Middle School
Nature Conservation Foundation/Indian Wolf:
"The Indian grey wolf occupies a top predator niche in arid and semi-arid open plains and grasslands of India. It faces a series of threats including loss of grasslands to agriculture and industrial expansion, modification of habitats, depletion of its natural prey, retaliatory killing, and disease spread through feral dogs..." Read the complete description:

Population: 4,000-6,000, DECREASING
Resident countries include: India (extinct Malaysia)
Drawings: Lena, Year 2 and Matthew, Year 3, South Gosforth First School
Like other vulture species, white-rumped vultures are scavengers feeding on carrion. Vultures play a vital role as nature's waste disposal experts, keeping disease at bay. Over the last forty years the white-rumped vulture population has plummeted from several million to around 6,000. One of the main reasons for the catastrophic loss of many vulture species populations in India is due to the use of diclofenac and other drugs given to livestock which causes kidney failure in vultures. Read more:
Population: 5,000-15,000, DECREASING
Resident countries include: India and Pakistan
Drawings: Mazen, Year 8 and Aaron, Year 6, Gosforth Central Middle School
With their long bills and semi-bald heads that have little feathers, Indian vultures live alongside white-rumped vultures. Its range originally stretched to Indochina but it is now extinct in south east Asia and can only be found in central and southern India—these vultures are perilously close to extinction. Indian vultures are a keystone species and like other vultures play a vital role as nature's waste disposal experts, keeping disease at bay. Like white-rumped vultures they too are at risk from the use of diclofenac and other drugs given to livestock. Read more:
Population: 2,500-9,999, DECREASING
Resident countries include: Bangladesh; Bhutan; Cambodia; China; India; Lao People's Democratic Republic; Myanmar; Nepal; Viet Nam (possibly extinct Malaysia; Thailand)
Drawings: Taylor, Year 7 and Mohamed, Year 5, Gosforth Central Middle School; Will, 826LA
Thai National Parks/Red-headed Vulture:
"The red-headed vulture (Sarcogyps calvus), also known as the Asian king vulture, Indian black vulture or Pondicherry vulture, is an Old World vulture mainly found in the Indian subcontinent, with small disjunct populations in some parts of Southeast Asia...It has a prominent naked head: deep-red to orange in the adult, paler red in the juvenile. It has a black body with pale grey band at the base of the flight feathers. The sexes differ in colour of the iris: males have a paler, whitish iris, whilst in females it is dark brown. This gaudy-faced vulture was historically abundant, range widely across the Indian subcontinent, and also eastwards to south-central and south-eastern Asia, extending from India to Singapore. Today the range of the red-headed vulture is localized primarily to northern India..." Read more:
Population: 13,000-27,000, DECREASING
Resident countries include: Bangladesh; Bhutan; Cambodia; China; India; Indonesia; Lao People's Democratic Republic; Malaysia; Myanmar; Nepal; Thailand; Viet Nam
Drawings: Amrit, Year 8, Gosforth Central Middle School; Emma, Year 2, South Gosforth First School and Josette, 826LA
Thai National Parks/Great Hornbill:
"The great hornbill also known as the concave-casqued hornbill, great Indian hornbill or great pied hornbill, is one of the larger members of the hornbill family. It is found in the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. Its impressive size and colour have made it important in many tribal cultures and rituals. The great hornbill is long-lived, living for nearly 50 years in captivity. It is predominantly frugivorous, but is an opportunist and will prey on small mammals, reptiles and birds. The great hornbill is a large bird...with a 152 cm wingspan...Like other hornbills, they have prominent "eyelashes". The most prominent feature of the hornbill is the bright yellow and black casque on top of its massive bill...Male hornbills have been known to indulge in aerial casque butting, with birds striking each other in flight...The wing beats are heavy and the sound produced by birds in flight can be heard from a distance. This sound has been likened to the puffing of a steam locomotive starting up." Read more:
Population: UNKNOWN, DECREASINGResident countries include: China; India; Korea, Democratic People's Republic of; Korea, Republic of; Bangladesh; Brunei Darussalam; Cambodia; Malaysia; Philippines; Singapore; Thailand; Viet Nam
Drawings: Adhiyagua and George Year 5, and Nancy Year 6, Gosforth Central Middle School
Thai National Parks/Black-capped Kingfisher:
"The black-capped kingfisher is a tree kingfisher which is widely distributed in tropical Asia from India east to China, Korea and Southeast Asia. This most northerly of the tree kingfishers is resident over much of its range, but northern populations are migratory, wintering south of their range in Sri Lanka, Thailand, Borneo and Java. It is distinctive in having a black cap that contrasts with the whitish throat, purple-blue wings and the coral red bill. The species is mainly found in coastal and mangrove habitats but can sometimes be found far inland...The large bill and legs are bright red...The call of this kingfisher is a cackling ki-ki-ki-ki-ki..." Read more:
Population: 5,000-15,000, POPULATION TREND UNKNOWN
Drawings: Chloe, Year 3 and Maya, Year 4, South Gosforth First School; Alexander, Year 6, Gosforth Central Middle School;
Thai National Parks/Lesser Adjutant:
"The lesser adjutant is a large wading bird in the stork family Ciconiidae. Like other members of its genus, it has a bare neck and head. It is however more closely associated with wetland habitats where it is solitary and is less likely to scavenge than the related greater adjutant. It is a widespread species found from India through Southeast Asia to Java...The lesser adjutant stalks around wetlands feeding mainly on fish, frogs, reptiles and large invertebrates. They rarely feed on carrion. They may also take small birds and rodents particularly during the breeding season. They are solitary except during the breeding season when they form loose colonies...." Read more:
Drawings: Seb, Year 8, Gosforth Central Middle School; Rose, Year 3, South Gosforth First School
Thai National Parks/Alexandrine Parakeet:
"The Alexandrine parakeet, also known as the Alexandrine parrot, is a medium-sized parrot... It is named after Alexander the Great, who transported numerous birds from Punjab to various European and Mediterranean countries and regions, where they were prized by the royalty, nobility and warlords...The Alexandrine parakeet is one of the largest parakeets, measuring 56 to 62 cm from the top of the head to the tip of the tail...Adult males have a black stripe across their lower cheeks and a pink band on their nape. Adult females lack both a black stripe across their lower cheeks and a pink band on their nape..." Read more:
"The Indian Peafowl is hailed as the National bird of India. Although this bird is commonly called a peacock, technically, only the male bird is a peacock. The females are referred to as peahens. Both sexes are together known as peafowl. The male peafowl wears the hues of blue, green and golden yellow with royal pride, and is a delight to watch. Peacocks have a resplendent trail which has a design of multiple eyespots. When the bird opens out its tail feathers, the sight sure is one to behold! The male peafowl has been a recurring figure in Indian mythology and folklore, and a muse to artists and writers across several cultures throughout history...As omnivores, peafowl feed on plants, seeds, invertebrates, reptiles, and even amphibians." Read more:
"The red junglefowl is a tropical bird in the family Phasianidae. It ranges across much of Southeast Asia and parts of South Asia. Red junglefowl are the primary ancestor of the domestic chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus); the grey junglefowl, Sri Lankan junglefowl and green junglefowl have also contributed genetic materials to the gene pool of the chicken. Evidence from the molecular level derived from whole-genome sequencing revealed that the chicken was domesticated from red junglefowl about 8, 000 years ago, with this domestication event involving multiple maternal origins...Flight in these birds is almost purely confined to reaching their roosting areas at sunset in trees or any other high and relatively safe places free from ground predators, and for escape from immediate danger through the day..." Read more:
Drawing: Olga, 826LA volunteer
With its beautiful plumage, the grey junglefowl is a wild ancestor of the domestic chicken and endemic to India. Read more:
"The common hill myna, sometimes spelled "mynah" and formerly simply known as the hill myna or myna bird, is the myna most commonly seen in aviculture...It is a member of the starling family (Sturnidae), resident in hill regions of South Asia and Southeast Asia...The common hill myna is a popular talking bird. Its specific name may allude to the practice of teaching mynas to repeat prayers...It is overall green-glossed black plumage, purple-tinged on the head and neck...The bill and strong legs are bright yellow, and there are yellow wattles on the nape and under the eye...The common hill myna is often detected by its loud, shrill, descending whistles followed by other calls. It is most vocal at dawn and dusk, when it is found in small groups in forest clearings high in the canopy..." Read more:
"The common myna or Indian myna, sometimes spelled mynah, is a member of the family Sturnidae (starlings and mynas) native to Asia. An omnivorous open woodland bird with a strong territorial instinct, the common myna has adapted extremely well to urban environments...The common myna is readily identified by the brown body, black hooded head and the bare yellow patch behind the eye. The bill and legs are bright yellow. There is a white patch on the outer primaries and the wing lining on the underside is white...The calls includes croaks, squawks, chirps, clicks, whistles and 'growls', and the bird often fluffs its feathers and bobs its head in singing...Before sleeping in communal roosts, common mynas vocalise in unison, which is known as "communal noise"..." Read more:
"The red-whiskered bulbul, or crested bulbul, is a passerine bird found in Asia. It is a member of the bulbul family. It is a resident frugivore found mainly in tropical Asia. It has been introduced in many tropical areas of the world where populations have established themselves. It feeds on fruits and small insects. Red-whiskered bulbuls perch conspicuously on trees and have a loud three or four note call. They are very common in hill forests and urban gardens within their range...." Read more:
"The painted stork is a large wading bird in the stork family. It is found in the wetlands of the plains of tropical Asia south of the Himalayas in the Indian Subcontinent and extending into Southeast Asia. Their distinctive pink tertial feathers give them their name. They forage in flocks in shallow waters along rivers or lakes. They immerse their half open beaks in water and sweep them from side to side and snap up their prey of small fish that are sensed by touch. As they wade along they also stir the water with their feet to flush hiding fish. They nest colonially in trees, often along with other waterbirds. The only sounds they produce are weak moans or bill clattering at the nest... Like other storks, they are often seen soaring on thermals..." Read more:
The Loten's sunbird has a long curved beak and measures up to 13cm long. It is endemic to India and Sri Lanka. Read more:
Drawings: Eva, 826LA; Anonymous, Gosforth Central Middle School
Thai National Parks/Coppersmith Barbet:
"The coppersmith barbet, also called crimson-breasted barbet and coppersmith, is an Asian barbet with crimson forehead and throat, known for its metronomic call that sounds similar to a coppersmith striking metal with a hammer. It is a resident bird in the Indian subcontinent and parts of Southeast Asia. It carves out holes inside a tree to build its nest. It is predominantly frugivorous, but has been observed eating insects, especially winged termites...." Read more:
Drawings: Hannah, Year 6 Gosforth Central Middle School; Oscar, Year 4, South Gosforth First School
Thai National Parks/Green-billed Malkoha:
"The green-billed malkoha is a species of non-parasitic cuckoo found throughout Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia. The birds are waxy bluish black with a long graduated tail with white tips to the tail feathers. The bill is prominent and curved. These birds are found in dry scrub and thin forests. Green-billed malkoha is about 50–60 cm centimetres long and weighs 100–128 g. It often has a clear white boarder to the red face patch salty grey on the face and neck. Adult green-billed malkoha has dark grey with green gloss above, oily green wings." Read more:
Drawings: Jess, Year 7, Gosforth Central Middle School; Reuben, Year 4, South Gosforth First School
Also known as the Indian eagle-owl, the rock eagle-owl is a large horned owl with a loud booming call. Read more:
Drawings: Henry, Year 6, Gosforth Central Middle School
With striking plumage, the aptly named painted sandgrouse is a sociable, ground-dwelling bird. Read more:
Drawings: Leonie and Michelle Year 5 and Elsa, Year 6, Gosforth Central Middle School
This parakeet is found in flocks across the Indian sub-continent. Males have a plum-coloured head. They live in forests and can also be found in gardens. Read more:
Drawing: Mani, Year 8, Gosforth Central Middle School
Thai National Parks/Yellow-Footed Green-Pigeon:
"The yellow-footed green pigeon, also known as yellow-legged green pigeon, is a common species of green pigeon found in the Indian subcontinent. It is the state bird of Maharashtra. In Marathi it is called Hola or Hariyal. The species feeds on fruit, including many species of Ficus. They forage in flocks. In the early morning they are often seen sunning on the tops of emergent trees in dense forest areas. They especially are found sitting in couples on tree branches." Read more:
Drawing: Arjun, Year 2, South Gosforth First School
This tiny sunbird, measuring up to 8cm, feeds on nectar and is endemic to India. Read more:
Drawing: Josie, Year 8, Gosforth Central Middle School
Measuring up to 27cm, this nocturnal owl has a heart-shaped face. Read more:
Drawing: Eliannah, Year 8, Gosforth Central Middle School
Thai National Parks/Asian Emerald Cuckoo:
"The Asian emerald cuckoo is a species of cuckoo in the family Cuculidae...Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests and subtropical or tropical moist montane forest. The Asian emerald cuckoo grows to a length of about 18 cm. The adult male has an iridescent dark green head, upper parts and upper breast, a white lower breast and a green barred belly. Bare skin round the eye is orange and the beak is orange/yellow tipped with black...The voice is a “chweek” uttered while flying, and various whistled twitters..." Read more:

Conservation status: CRITICALLY ENDANGERED (IUCN Red List)
Population: 100, DECREASING
Drawing: Freya, Year 2, South Gosforth First School
People's Trust for Endangered Species/Northern River Terrapin:
"Northern river terrapins are freshwater turtles that were once found in many of the large rivers and estuaries of the coastal district of the Sundarbans region. The Sundarbans are well known wetland, famed for their wildlife, which span India and Bangladesh. Even though large areas of the Sundarbans are now protected, unfortunately the long history of exploitation and lack of enforcement in both countries has resulted in catastrophe for these turtles." Read the complete article:
Indotestudo elongata
Drawing: Harrison, Year 7, Gosforth Central Middle School
Thai National Parks/Elongated Tortoise:
"The elongated tortoise is a species of tortoise found in Southeast Asia and parts of the Indian Subcontinent, particularly Northeast India. [Its]Shell [is] considerably depressed, more than twice as long as deep...Typically, [it is] are around 30 cm (12 inches) long...The principal threats to this species are the mass harvesting of the remaining wild populations for the large and growing food markets in...East Asia. It is also incorrectly believed in [traditional medicine] that a mixture, made by grinding up the tortoise's shell, serves as an aphrodisiac. In addition, other threats are habitat destruction and illegal collecting for the pet trade." Read more:
Drawings: Emily, Nursery and Aidan, Year 4, South Gosforth First School; Tom, Year 8 Gosforth Central Middle School
IUCN Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group/Leith's Softshell Turtle:
"Leith’s Softshell Turtle, is a large turtle, known to attain at least 720 mm in carapace length (bony disk plus fibrocartilage flap), and possibly as much as 1000 mm. The species inhabits the rivers and reservoirs of southern peninsular India, replacing the more familiar Indian Softshell Turtle, N. gangetica, of northern India. The turtle is apparently rare within its range, even within protected areas, which is suspected to be due to a past history of exploitation. Fish, crabs, freshwater molluscs, and mosquito larvae are taken as food, and some numbers are kept in temple tanks, where they are often fed on Hibiscus flowers. At least two clutches of eggs, which are spherical, are suspected to be produced per year..." Read more:
Drawings: Ernest and Remy, Year 2, and Amilie, Year 3, South Gosforth First School
"[In 2016] a team of scientists identified a species of fan-throated lizard (sarada superba) in Chalkewadi near Satara in Maharashtra. They confirmed that this species, which is blue, orange and black across its throat, is found only in Chalkewadi...The species is named after its dramatic displays and large dewlap skin hanging from the neck. ‘Superbus’ in Latin means ‘magnificent’...“Sarada superba is a species found only at high elevation plateaus in Chalkewadi. The dry arid landscape has perfect ecological conditions that ensure the species’ survival,” said Dr Varad Giri, curator, herpetology, NCBS, who was part of the study..." Read the article:
Drawing: Rufus, 826LA
IUCN Red List/Jeypore Ground Gecko:
"[This gecko is] [e]ndemic to the Eastern Ghats, India. The type locality is probably Patinghe (Potangi) Hill near Jeypore in Orissa. The species had not been collected since it was originally found in 1877, and there were fears that it might be extinct. However, it was recently recorded (September 2010) from Deomali, Jeypore in Koraput District, Orissa...Within this area, its occurrence appears to be highly restricted at the two known sites, with a recent two-day survey failing to locate it in nearby areas. While there are a small number of high elevation peaks in the intervening area where it may occur, it is known with certainty only from the two recent localities and is presumed to have been lost from the type locality, where no suitable forest remains..." Read more:
Drawings: Alexander and Eliza, Year 7, Gosforth Central Middle School; Sam, Year 2, South Gosforth First School
"This species is found in a number of humid habitats, including riverbanks, canals and rice fields, but predominantly in marshland. It is absent from dry grassland or hot steppe, areas in which it has erroneously been assumed to occur. It is mainly terrestrial, but is largely aquatic between June and October in the monsoon season. In the dry season animals (between November and February) to its own burrows, termite mounds or crevices and cracks in the earth. Its diet is known to include amphibian, reptile and bird eggs, insects and rodents. They also are specialized for feeding on crabs..." Read more:
Drawing: Gerardo, 826LA
National Parks Thailand/King Cobra:
"The king cobra is a venomous snake endemic to Asia...It has an average length of 3.18 to 4 m. The species has diversified colouration across habitats, from black with white stripes to unbroken brownish grey...It preys chiefly on other snakes, including those of its own kind...The threat display of this elapid includes spreading its neck-flap, raising its head upright, making eye contact, puffing, hissing and occasionally charging. Given the size of the snake, it is capable of striking at a considerable range and height, sometimes sustaining a bite...Regarded as the national reptile of India, it has an eminent position in the mythology and folk traditions of India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Myanmar..." Read more:
Drawing: Julio, 826LA
IUCN Red List/Ornate Day Gecko:
"Cnemaspis ornata is endemic to Western Ghats, India and is known from hilly regions of southern Western Ghats of Kerala and Tamil Nadu." Read more:
Drawings: Janelle, 826LA volunteer; Millie, Year 6, Gosforth Central Middle School
These striking, spiny lizards can measure up to 65cm (25.5inches) and are found in India and Sri Lanka. Read more:
Drawing: Julio, 826LA
These beautiful geckos have large green eyes and yellow bands on their bodies. They are endemic to India . Read more:

Conservation status: ENDANGERED (IUCN Red List)
Drawing: Finlay, Year 5, Gosforth Central Middle School
Mongabay/India's Dancing Frogs:
"Unlike most other frog species, dancing frogs of the family Micrixalidae don’t vocalize to attract mates. They live in fast-flowing streams that would drown out any croaking or ribbiting. Instead, they wave their legs to attract mates, flashing their feet to signal their breeding prowess." Read the complete article:
Drawings: Amanda and Brandon, 826LA; Ivy, Year 6, Gosforth Central Middle School
With colouration resembling a galaxy, this astonishing frog was rediscovered in 1997 and is very rare. It is a type of narrow-mouth frog and endemic to India. Read more:

Resident countries include: India and Malaysia
Drawings: Jenson, Year 3, South Gosforth First School; Arlo, Year 8, Gosforth Central Middle School
This wide-ranging mantis occurs from Armenia to Indonesia. Females are larger than males and can grown up to 7.5cm. Read more:
Explore the intriguing species of the Malayan tigers' forest, including the Malay tapir, the wrinkled hornbill and the marbled cat illustrated by children from Singapore. Some Peninsular Malaysian species are also resident in Singapore and India.

Panthera tigris jacksoni
Population: 150, DECREASING
Drawing: B, high school student, Singapore
Singapore Wildcat Action Group/Malayan Tiger:
"The Malayan tiger, Panthera tigris jacksoni, is named after renowned tiger conservationist Peter Jackson, in honour of his years of work for tigers. The sub-species, previously included as Indochinese tiger Panthera tigris corbetti is, now divided into two groups: one in northern Indochina and the other in the Malay Peninsula, which encompasses the southern end of Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia...This unique species has once roamed the land in Singapore, but is now locally extinct since 1930 due to direct human impact." Read the complete description:

Drawings: Ayan, high school student, Singapore (infant tapir); Mr Koltutsky, teacher, Singapore (adult tapir)
Malaysian Wildlife/Malay Tapir:
"The Malayan Tapir is one of the most iconic animals found in Malaysia. And it is the only surviving member of its species in Asia. Its distinctive ‘white coat’, from shoulders to stubby tail, make it a characteristic species throughout the Malaysian landscape. They have 14 toes in total: four on the front and three at the back. Hence, they are classified as perissodactyles (odd-toed ungulates), a group of herbivores that include horses, zebras and rhinos." Read the complete description:
Drawing: Ryann, high school student, Singapore
"The flat-headed cat is considered one of the most unique and unusual members of the cat family, with their long narrow head, flattened forehead, and eyes that are unusually far forward and close together. Thought to be most closely related to the leopard cat and fishing cat, they have a short, tubular body with relatively short, slender legs and a stubby tail. These felines come in various shades of brown with facial markings and banding on their legs and belly and soft dense fur..." Read the complete article:
Drawing: Jules, high school student, Singapore
Thai National Parks/Marbled Cat:
"The marbled cat is a small wild cat of South and Southeast Asia...The marbled cat was once considered to belong to the pantherine lineage of "big cats". Genetic analysis has shown it to be closely related to the Asian golden cat and the bay cat, all of which diverged from the other felids about 9.4 million years ago." Read the complete description:

Drawing: high school student, Singapore
Thai National Parks/Common Palm Civet:
The Asian palm civet is a viverrid native to South and Southeast Asia...In Indonesia, it is threatened by poaching and illegal wildlife trade; buyers use it for the increasing production of kopi luwak, a form of coffee that involves ingestion and excretion of the beans by the animal...The Asian palm civet's long, stocky body is covered with coarse, shaggy hair that is usually greyish in colour. It has a white mask across the forehead, a small white patch under each eye, a white spot on each side of the nostrils, and a narrow dark line between the eyes." Read the complete description:

Drawing: Vihan, high school student, Singapore
Thai National Parks/Sunda Flying Lemur:
"The Sunda flying lemur, also known as the Malayan flying lemur or Malayan colugo, is a species of colugo. Until recently, it was thought to be one of only two species of flying lemur, the other being the Philippine flying lemur which is found only in the Philippines...The Sunda flying lemur is not a lemur and does not fly. Instead, it glides as it leaps among trees. It is strictly arboreal, is active at night, and feeds on soft plant parts such as young leaves, shoots, flowers, and fruits." Read the complete description:

Rhabdotorrhinus corrugatus
Conservation status: ENDANGERED (IUCN Red List)
Drawing: S, high school student, Singapore
Thai National Parks/Wrinkled Hornbill:
"The wrinkled hornbill or Sunda wrinkled hornbill is a medium-large hornbill which is found in forest in the Thai-Malay Peninsula, Sumatra and Borneo.The wrinkled hornbill is around 70 cm long, and has a very large bill that is fused to the skull. It has mainly black plumage, a blue eye-ring, and a broadly white or rufous-tipped tail. The male and female have different head and bill patterns. Males have bright yellow feathers on the auriculars, cheeks, throat, neck-sides and chest, but these areas are black in the female, except for the blue throat. The bill of the male is yellow with a red base and casque, and a brownish basal half of the lower mandible. The bill and casque of the female is almost entirely yellow." Read the complete description:
Belocercus longicaudus
Drawing: H, high school student, Singapore
Singapore Bird Group/Long-tailed Parakeet:
The Long-tailed Parakeet is a social bird found in Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Sumatra, Borneo, Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore. In Singapore it a common parakeet, easily recognised by its long tail and loud screeching..." Read the complete article:

Drawing: high school student, Singapore
Thai National Parks/Green Broadbill:
"The green broadbill also known as the lesser green broadbill is a small bird in the family Calyptomenidae... The bird is about 17 cm long, plumaged in brilliant green with a black ear patch, widely gaped bill, rounded head, short tail and three black bars on each wing...It is often overlooked, as it sits motionless inside the canopy or just below, quickly flying to a new location if disturbed. Its foliage-green color provides excellent camouflage." Read the complete description:
Drawing: N, high school student, Singapore
Malaysian Biodiversity Information System/Malaysian Giant Turtle:
"Malaysian Giant Turtle is the largest freshwater turtle in Southeast Asia. It’s native to Indonesia and Malaysia. It inhabits large lakes, swamps and slow flowing rivers. This species can be identified by the massive head, the mushroom-shaped vertebral scutes and the absence of greatly enlarged scales on the limbs." Read the complete description:
Drawing: Priyali Kamath, Singapore
Thai National Parks/Abah River Flying Frog:
"Wallace's flying frog or the Abah River flying frog is a moss frog found at least from the Malay Peninsula into western Indonesia...Its limbs are very long, and its fingers and toes are webbed right to the tips. Together with a fringe of skin stretching between the limbs, this flying frog can parachute to the forest floor from high in the trees where it is normally found." Read the complete description:
Meet some of our amazing Tiger Champion artists from Singapore, the UK, and the USA who made beautiful drawings of tigers and wildlife from their landscapes. We would like to thank all participating artists for their substantial contribution to this project.

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Shh it's a Tiger! 2013 Biro drawing © Jane Lee McCracken
Jane Lee McCracken constructs intricate, multi-layered Biro drawings, sculptures, installations as well as product designs. Her work represents the beauty of life and its brutal realities, exploring the loss to both humans and animals caused by human destructiveness. She is the founder and CEO of Drawing for the Planet global art, environmental education and conservation charity.
Over the last decade, she has raised funds for conservation organisations through her art and delivered drawing and environmental education workshops to thousands of people across the world. In 2019 she founded the Where Did All the Animals Go? project in partnership with Born Free and in 2021 Drawing for the Planet. Explore Jane's art:
Born Free works tirelessly to ensure that all wild animals, whether living in captivity or in the wild, are treated with compassion and respect and are able to live their lives according to their needs. As a leading wildlife charity, they oppose the exploitation of wild animals in captivity and campaign to keep them where they belong – in the wild.
Born Free promotes Compassionate Conservation to enhance the survival of threatened species in the wild and protect natural habitats while respecting the needs and safeguarding the welfare of individual animals. They seek to have a positive impact on animals in the wild and protect their ecosystems in perpetuity, for their own intrinsic value and for the critical roles they play within the natural world.
Visit Born Free here:
The Tigers' Forest Project Ambassador
Ayan Kamath Mehra is a 10th grade student in Singapore, and a Born Free Foundation Youth Ambassador. For as long as he can remember, Ayan has loved nature and all wild things. In 2019, at the age of 11, he travelled to South Africa, where he was awestruck at the magical abundance of wildlife on safari. Yet, he noticed that rhinos – his favorite animal – were scarce. Through the book The Elephant Whisperer by renowned conservationist Lawrence Anthony, Ayan learned about the horrifying ways rhinos are being poached for their horns. From then on, Ayan has merged his passions for art and wildlife to create @ayansartforconservation, which raises awareness and funding for endangered species around the world through his writing, talks and art. Ayan said:
"I am excited to be the project ambassador for The Tigers' Forest, because art has the power to deeply connect human beings and the animals we draw. Art happens when observation and imagination take flight. As we observe animals, and imagine their futures, we bond more deeply with planet Earth and all its wonderful wild things. With my roots in India and Singapore, I am particularly excited to support the tiger, and all the animals that live in its magnificent ecosystem."
Visit Ayan's blog here:
The Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS), a pan-India wildlife research organization, has been promoting the cause of nature conservation since 1883.
BNHS Mission: Conservation of nature, primarily biological diversity through action based on research, education and public awareness
BNHS Vision: Premier independent scientific organization with a broad based constituency, excelling in the conservation of threatened species and habitats.
Visit the Bombay Natural History Society here:
We are passionate about the conservation of all wildcat species and we have a special love for the Malayan tiger.
We believe in taking meaningful action that helps us achieve our mission of building grassroot support for wildcat conservation and to realize our goal of raising funds to protect the world’s remaining 200 Malayan tigers living in the wild.
We are a group of volunteers who joined forces in 2019 with a belief that together, we can multiply our efforts and compound our results.
Visit Singapore Wildcat Action Group here: