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In 2021 we gifted art materials to Iwokrama International Centre for Rainforest Conservation so that Iwokrama staff could continue to deliver Jane's drawing and environmental education workshops to the children of Kurupukari Primary School, in the indigenous village of Fairview, who participated in the Where Did All the Animals Go? 2021 exhibition at Great North Museum: Hancock, UK. We also donated art equipment to Linden Special Needs Centre.

Children of Sarawak will be participating in Jane's workshops in November 2021, to create drawings for the Where Did All the Animals Go? exhibition at the Great North Museum: Hancock with assistance from our Malaysia Outreach Team including Dr. Melvin Gumal, Head of Biodiversity Conservation and Research Division and Bistari Mahmood, Community Training, Sarawak Forestry Corporation (SAF). We donated to SAF for its vital work to "manage the totally Protected Areas (TPAs) and conserving Biodiversity of Sarawak." Protected species include Orangutan, Proboscis Monkeys, Clouded Leopards, Green Turtles and Western Tarsier.

We are working with Liberia Chimpanzee Rescue and Protection (LCRP) where Jane is co-ordinating the installation of a replica of her Chimpanzee Community mural in LCRP orphan chimps nursery. The aim of Jane's mural, which features drawings by children from North East England who learnt about LCRP conservation work in her workshops, is to highlight the fact that chimpanzees and bonobos are our closest living relatives sharing 99% of our DNA with all hominini species sharing similar behaviour traits.
We are currently raising funds for a collaborative project with LCRP and Born Free in 2022, where Jane will deliver workshops to Liberian children who will learn about LCRP's mission and make drawings of chimpanzees for Jane to create a second Chimpanzee Community mural.