GNM Marine Day Workshop 2021
28 October 2021
As part of Great North Museum: Hancock's Marine Day, Jane was invited to deliver a free drop-in wildlife Biro drawing workshop in Living Planet Gallery. Over 100 drawings were created by visitors, including children from age 2 upwards, parents, grandparents and guardians, of marine species some of which are critically endangered, endangered, vulnerable and near threatened such as the White Shark, Humpback Whale (Oceania) and Hawksbill Turtle which feature in Jane's Where Did All the Animals Go? exhibition at the museum. Laura Gosset, Head of Born Free Education also attended the workshop and created a beautiful drawing of a Leafy Seadragon.
Other species included to draw were some weird and wonderful sea creatures such as the Blue Sea Dragon, Peacock Mantis Shrimp, Pompom Crab, Sea Angel, Shame-faced Crab, Leafy Seadragon, Flamingo Tongue Seasnail, Yeti Crab, Bigfin Squid, Glowing Sucker Octopus, and a new species previously unknown to science, the Stingcat, discovered by Rosa. Below is a selection of drawings from the workshop. View all drawings from this workshop in our online Wild Postcard Gallery here.
Sharks are vital to the health of our oceans and the eco-systems they inhabit, yet around 100 million sharks are killed every year. Sharks are threatened by the global fishing industry, caught for their body parts and as bycatch by aggregating devices or illegal drift nets while fishing for other species, as well as hunting for sport, beach protection programs and pollution. Shark species have declined by 70% over the last 50 years. Every country has a role to play in shark conservation, ensuring ocean sanctuaries are created to protect sharks. Humans are guests in sharks domain yet our respect for and understanding of our hosts is often clouded by folklore and media misrepresentation. Many shark species are drifting towards extinction and we may soon lose these beautiful creatures from our oceans.
Show sharks some love:
- Don't use shark products
- Reduce your seafood consumption
- Recycle and reduce plastic consumption
- Tell others, including on social media, about the threats to sharks
- Donate to shark organisations
Common Bottlenose Dolphin LEAST CONCERN (population: UNKNOWN), Phoebe
Leafy Seadragon LEAST CONCERN (population: DECREASING), Laura Gosset, Head of Education, Born Free
Green Turtle ENDANGERED (population: DECREASING), Martin, Sussex

Bigfin Squid DATA DEFICIENT (population: UNKNOWN), Oliver
Ocellate Octopus DATA DEFICIENT (population: UNKNOWN), Hayden
Ocellate Octopus DATA DEFICIENT (population: UNKNOWN), Jamaymah
Mandarinfish LEAST CONCERN (population: UNKNOWN), Angela
Blue Whale ENDANGERED (population: 5,000 - 15,000), Harry age 7
Spiny Seahorse VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Isla age 5

Glowing Sucker Octopus Stauroteuthis syrtensis DATA DEFICIENT(population: UNKNOWN), Dorothy
Peacock Mantis Shrimp Odontodactylus scyllarus DATA DEFICIENT (population: UNKNOWN), Jess
Common Bottlenose Dolphin LEAST CONCERN (population: UNKNOWN), Daisy
Bluespotted Lagoon Ray LEAST CONCERN (population: INCREASING), Elijah age 8
Hawksbill Turtle CRITICALLY ENDANGERED (population: DECREASING), Portia
Narwhal LEAST CONCERN (population: 123,000), Hannah
Bluespotted Lagoon Ray LEAST CONCERN (population: INCREASING), Wadan
Flamingo Tongue Snail DATA DEFICIENT (population: UNKNOWN) Keira
Stingcat discovered 28 October 2021 by Rosa

Clarion Angelfish VULNERABLE (population: STABLE), Pufferfish LEAST CONCERN (population: UNKNOWN),
Leopard Seal LEAST CONCERN (population: 18,000),
Narwhal LEAST CONCERN (population: 123,000), Emily
Hawksbill Turtle CRITICALLY ENDANGERED (population: DECREASING), Ellie

Spiny Seahorse VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Olivia P.
Whale Shark ENDANGERED (population: DECREASING), Evie
Giant Pacific Octopus LEAST CONCERN (population: UNKNOWN), Kyle
Common Bottlenose Dolphin LEAST CONCERN (population: UNKNOWN), Julie
Spiny Seahorse VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Julie
Clarion Angelfish VULNERABLE (population: STABLE), Madeleine
Horned Ghost Crab DATA DEFICIENT (population: UNKNOWN), Anna
Giant Pacific Octopus LEAST CONCERN (population: UNKNOWN), Fleur
Mandarinfish LEAST CONCERN (population: UNKNOWN), Juliet
White Shark VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Beatrice
Bower's Parrotfish NEAR THREATENED (population: UNKNOWN), young artist
Red Lionfish LEAST CONCERN (population: INCREASING), Sophia
Narwhal LEAST CONCERN (population: 123,000), Daddy and Jack age 3

Spiny Seahorse VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), James H.
Giant Pacific Octopus LEAST CONCERN (population: UNKNOWN), Maisey
Green Turtle ENDANGERED (population: DECREASING), Effy age 5
Shamefaced Crab Calappa granulata DATA DEFICIENT (population: UNKNOWN), Anne Denton age 69
Shamefaced Crab Calappa granulata DATA DEFICIENT (population: UNKNOWN), Lexi D. age 7
Glowing Sucker Octopus Stauroteuthis syrtensis DATA DEFICIENT(population: UNKNOWN), Ellie
Spiny Seahorse VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Hermione
Picasso Triggerfish LEAST CONCERN (population: UNKNOWN), Isla E.
Narwhal LEAST CONCERN (population: 123,000), Neive
White Shark VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Bradley J.