Wild Postcard Gallery 2021
Wild Postcard Gallery, is an online gallery open to all ages to create and submit Biro (ballpoint pen) drawings of their favourite wild animals. Part of Drawing for the Planet Artist and Founder Jane Lee McCracken's Where Did All the Animals Go? (WDATAG?) art and environmental education project, in partnership with international wildlife charity Born Free, this gallery was launched by Jane in 2019 at BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art here. Find out how to submit your drawing below.
Since 2019 hundreds of wildlife drawings by children and adults have been created for the gallery with people from across the globe sending photographs of their drawings to be featured in the gallery. As the gallery has grown it can now be viewed in separate annual galleries. Scroll down this page to see all drawings created between 2019-2020. To view annual, country and regional galleries click on the links below:
2022 Gallery
2019 - 2020 Gallery
Kenya Gallery
Guyana Gallery
California Gallery
The aim of Wild Postcard Gallery is to spread the gift of drawing, using Jane's preferred medium, the humble Biro, and the beauty of wildlife far and wide, as well as nurturing emotional connections with vulnerable species to further help in their conservation: "if we care, we want to conserve". By making a drawing of a wild animal for this gallery and sharing it with friends and family or on social media, your drawing is not only helping to highlight the rich diversity of our planet's wildlife and the unique beauty of individual species but could encourage others to get involved in species conservation.
Enjoy drawing and some creative ‘you-time’. The next time you pick up your Biro, think of the animal you drew and how the world is a better place for its existence. Remember, EVERYONE, CAN DRAW!" Jane Lee McCracken
The concept of the online Wild Postcard Gallery is simple and open to all ages:
Pick up a ballpoint pen (or pencil / paint if you don't have a ballpoint pen), get creative and draw your favourite wild animal on a blank postcard, piece of paper or drawing surface
If you can't draw the animal in the wild use a found image as inspiration or draw from your imagination
Your drawing doesn't have to be photo-realistic, express yourself and enjoy drawing and being transported. We all have our own unique drawing styles which are all valid!
- Watch Jane's video below for drawing tips and wildlife inspiration
Send an image or scan of your drawing, your name, town and country to jane@janeleemccracken.co.uk for your drawing to be featured
Send your drawing as a gift to someone special to brighten up their day or put it in your window for your neighbours to enjoy
Spread the word and ask others to pick up a pen and make a drawing of their favourite wild animal for the gallery
Here are some things you can do to help wildlife:
Research your favourite animal and how you can further help with its conservation
Check out Drawing for the Planet's 12 Ways You Can Help Wildlife here
Tell others about what you have learnt and how they can help wildlife
Check out Born Free Learn at Home Packs here
Find out more about Where Did All the Animals Go? project here
The following Biro Drawing Workshop video made by Jane as a free resource features drawing tips and inspirational wildlife footage courtesy of Born Free.
The gallery displays Biro drawings submitted by artists of all ages from age 5 months upwards, depicting a wide array of species, including those very much ingrained in the human psyche such as tigers and elephants alongside lesser-known species such as the Spiderman agama lizard and the critically endangered Kakapo.
To date, more than 120,000 species have been assessed for The IUCN Red List and more than 32,000 of these species are considered to be threatened with extinction – 27% of assessed species. IUCN Red List
The IUCN (International Union for Conservation) Red List categories below are included in the titles of each drawing. Check out threatened species at iucnredlist.org
Jane and the Drawing for the Planet Team would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has contributed to Wild Postcard Gallery and subsequently Where Did All the Animals Go? project.
Fire and Ice (Sumatran and white tiger) Megan Winton age 23, Kent
Moose LEAST CONCERN Elizabeth Atkinson age 6, Whickham
Cobra Mateo age 9, TOW, Laguna Beach, California
Grévy's Zebra ENDANGERED Zoe Goldhawk age 9, Kent
Malayan Tiger CRITICALLY ENDANGERED Rían Wootten, Bexleyheath, Kent
Narwhal LEAST CONCERN Rowan age 5, Sunniside, Tyne and Wear
Rowan and his Narwhal drawing
Bengal Tiger ENDANGERED Tallula, Year 6 Cramlington Primary
17 August 2021
As part of Where Did All the Animals Go? exhibition at Great North Museum: Hancock, Jane was invited to deliver a drop-in wildlife Biro drawing workshop in Living Planet Gallery. Visitors of all ages, including children, parents and grandparents, created over 100 drawings of global species featured in the exhibition, some of which are critically endangered, endangered, vulnerable and near threatened:
Kakapo CRITICALLY ENDANGERED (population: 204 individuals) Ruth Sheldon, Great North Museum: Hancock Team
Cheetah VULNERABLE (population: 6,674), Isla
Polar Bear VULNERABLE (population: 20,000 - 25,000), Evans
Macaroni Penguin VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Krysia
Yellow-footed Rock Wallaby NEAR THREATENED (population: UNKNOWN), Aya
Aye-aye ENDANGERED (population: DECREASING), Chloe age 11
Greater Prairie Chicken NEAR THREATENED (population: 360,000) Chloe age 11

Coquerel's Sifaka CRITICALLY ENDANGERED (population: UNKNOWN), Chloe age 11
Lesser Chameleon ENDANGERED (population: UNKNOWN), Harrison
Koala VULNERABLE (population: 100,000 - 500,000), Macey
Coastal Peacock Spider UNCLASSIFIED (population: UNKNOWN), Joni
Sun Parakeet ENDANGERED (population: 1000 - 2,499), Lydia

Ring-tailed Lemur ENDANGERED (population: 2,000 - 2,400), Fraser
Small Tortoiseshell UNSPECIFIED (BAP Species), Riley G.
Eurasian Red Squirrel ENDANGERED UK (population: 140,000), Teddy
Bower's Parrotfish NEAR THREATENED (population: UNKNOWN), Hallie
White Shark VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Conrad, Edinburgh

West African Giraffe VULNERABLE (population: 100,000), Sara, Edinburgh
Yellow-footed Rock Wallaby NEAR THREATENED (population: UNKNOWN), Hugo age 8
Quokka VULNERABLE (population: 7,500 - 15,000), Berry
Giant Armadillo VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Geordie

Bald-headed Uakari VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Geordie
Fiji Crested Iguana CRITICALLY ENDANGERED (population: 12,000 - 14,000), Geordie
Blue-throated Macaw CRITICALLY ENDANGERED (population: 50 - 249), Berry and Geordie's Father
White Shark VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Jamie
White Shark VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Hallie
Cheetah VULNERABLE (population: 6,674), Sophia age 4 (Sophia had a plaster cast on her right arm so created the drawing with her left hand)
African Savanna Elephant VULNERABLE (population: 415,000), Emily
Lavaste's Viper VULNERABLE (population: UNKNOWN), Emily
Red-billed (White-throated) Toucan VULNERABLE (population: UNKNOWN), George
Small Tortoiseshell UNSPECIFIED (BAP Species), Edward
Yellow-footed Rock Wallaby NEAR THREATENED (population: UNKNOWN), Connie
Fiji Crested Iguana CRITICALLY ENDANGERED (population: 12,000 - 14,000), Hugo
African Savanna Elephant VULNERABLE (population: 415,000), Neil

Macaroni Penguin VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Riley age 8
Radiated Tortoise CRITICALLY ENDANGERED (population: UNKNOWN), Alfie
Cheetah VULNERABLE (population: 6,674), Rafi

African Lion VULNERABLE (population: 20,000), Rafi and Isaac
Koala VULNERABLE (population: 100,000 - 500,000), Isaac
American Crocodile VULNERABLE (population: UNKNOWN), Isaac
Sun Parakeet ENDANGERED (population: 1000 - 2,499), Isaac
Dorcas Gazelle VULNERABLE (population: 35,000 - 40,000), Rafi and Diana
Yellow-footed Rock Wallaby NEAR THREATENED (population: UNKNOWN), Diana
Aye-aye ENDANGERED (population: UNKNOWN), Grace

African Wild Dog ENDANGERED (population: 8,000), Brooke (Grace's Mother)
Sky Blue Poison Dart Frog ENDANGERED (population: UNKNOWN), Poppy

Northern Rockhopper Penguin ENDANGERED (population: 480,000), Olivia
Lavaste's Viper VULNERABLE (population: UNKNOWN), Seth
Lavaste's Viper VULNERABLE (population: UNKNOWN), Samuel
Small Tortoiseshell UNSPECIFIED (BAP Species), Serena

Macaroni Penguin VULNERABLE (population:DECREASING), Shirley
Cagle's Map River Turtle ENDANGERED (population: 11,000 - 13,000), Harriette and Erika
Small Tortoiseshell UNSPECIFIED (BAP Species), Scarlett

Atlantic Puffin RED (UK) VULNERABLE (Global) (population: 580,000 pairs), Caitlin
Green Turtle ENDANGERED (population: DECREASING), Evan D.
Eurasian Red Squirrel ENDANGERED UK (population: 140,000), Poppy and Daddy
Dorcas Gazelle VULNERABLE (population: 35,000 - 40,000), Rosie

African Savanna Elephant VULNERABLE (population: 415,000), Tracey Williams
Lantern Bug UNCLASSIFIED (population: UNKNOWN), Finn
Quokka VULNERABLE (population: 7,500 - 15,000), Clare
Koala VULNERABLE (population: 100,000 - 500,000), Lily

Atlantic Puffin RED (UK) VULNERABLE (Global) (population: 580,000 pairs), Tilly

Red Fox LEAST CONCERN (population: STABLE), Alaina

Scarlet Macaw LEAST CONCERN (population:DECREASING), Noah

West African Giraffe VULNERABLE (population: 100,000), Heidi
Sun Parakeet ENDANGERED (population: 1000 - 2,499), Anonymous

African Lion VULNERABLE (population: 20,000), Frankie

Red Deer LEAST CONCERN (population: INCREASING), Amy and Skyla
Black Bearded Saki ENDANGERED (population: DECREASING), Logan and Mum
Coastal Peacock Spider UNCLASSIFIED (population: UNKNOWN), Kaiser and Mum
Koala VULNERABLE (population: 100,000 - 500,000), Ellianna
African Lion VULNERABLE (population: 20,000), Cora age 11
Small Tortoiseshell UNSPECIFIED (BAP Species), Tori
Iberian Lynx ENDANGERED (population: 156), Mary

Gyrfalcon LEAST CONCERN (population: 20,000 - 49,999), Fraizer

Western Chimpanzee ENDANGERED (population: 18,000 - 65,000), Felicity age 5
Green Turtle ENDANGERED (population: DECREASING), Imarah age 8
Green Turtle ENDANGERED (population: DECREASING), Alison Taylor
Small Tortoiseshell UNSPECIFIED (BAP Species), Mabel

West African Giraffe VULNERABLE (population: 100,000), Lola-Rose
Bower's Parrotfish NEAR THREATENED (population: UNKNOWN), Harley
Indo-Pacific Finless Porpoise VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Ella Mae
Cheetah VULNERABLE (population: 6,674), Drew
Scarlet Macaw LEAST CONCERN (population:DECREASING), Ryan age 3
Tiger ENDANGERED (population: 2,154 - 3,159), Florence age 5
African Savanna Elephant VULNERABLE (population: 415,000), Isabella age 7

Atlantic Puffin RED (UK) VULNERABLE (Global) (population: 580,000 pairs), Isabella age 7
Reindeer VULNERABLE (population: 2,890,400), Isabella age 7
Aye-aye ENDANGERED (population: UNKNOWN), Gabriel
Greater Prairie Chicken NEAR THREATENED (population: 360,000), Scarlet
Eurasian Red Squirrel ENDANGERED UK (population: 140,000), Scarlet
Red Wolf CRITICALLY ENDANGERED (population: 9), Paul Donnelly
Cheetah VULNERABLE (population: 6,674), Harriett age 7
Pebas Stubfoot Toad VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Harriett age 7

Atlantic Puffin RED (UK) VULNERABLE (Global) (population: 580,000 pairs), Harriett's Father

Horsfield's Tarsier VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Grace

Atlantic Puffin RED (UK) VULNERABLE (Global) (population: 580,000 pairs), Nicola, Grace's Mother

Small Tortoiseshell UNSPECIFIED (BAP Species), Lucy

Fiji Crested Iguana CRITICALLY ENDANGERED (population: 12,000 - 14,000), Theo
Tiger ENDANGERED (population: 2,154 - 3,159), Sacha and Grandpa
Small Tortoiseshell UNSPECIFIED (BAP Species), Gracie age 9

Western Chimpanzee ENDANGERED (population: 18,000 - 65,000), Lynsay
Small Tortoiseshell UNSPECIFIED (BAP Species), Lynsay

Red Deer LEAST CONCERN (population: INCREASING), Anis
Ocean Sunfish VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Emma
Radiated Tortoise CRITICALLY ENDANGERED (population: UNKNOWN), Jenna
28 October 2021
As part of Great North Museum: Hancock's Marine Day, Jane was invited to deliver a drop-in wildlife Biro drawing workshop in Living Planet Gallery. Visitors, including children from age 2 upwards, parents, grandparents and guardians, created drawings of marine species some of which are critically endangered, endangered, vulnerable and near threatened such as the White Shark, Hawksbill Turtle and Galapagos Sea Lion.
Also included to draw in this workshop were some weird and wonderful sea creatures such as the Blue Sea Dragon, Peacock Mantis Shrimp, Pompom Crab, Sea Angel, Shame-faced Crab, Leafy Seadragon, Flamingo Tongue Seasnail, Yeti Crab, Bigfin Squid, Glowing Sucker Octopus, and a new species previously unknown to science, the Stingcat, discovered by Rosa.
Sharks are vital to the health of our oceans and the eco-systems they inhabit, yet around 100 million sharks are killed every year. Sharks are threatened by the global fishing industry, caught for their body parts and as bycatch by aggregating devices or illegal drift nets while fishing for other species, as well as hunting for sport, beach protection programs and pollution. Shark species have declined by 70% over the last 50 years. Every country has a role to play in shark conservation, ensuring ocean sanctuaries are created to protect sharks. Humans are guests in sharks domain yet our respect for and understanding of our hosts is often clouded by folklore and media misrepresentation. Many shark species are drifting towards extinction and we may soon lose these beautiful creatures from our oceans.
Show sharks some love:
- Don't use shark products
- Reduce your seafood consumption
- Recycle and reduce plastic consumption
- Tell others, including on social media, about the threats to sharks
- Donate to shark organisations
Common Bottlenose Dolphin LEAST CONCERN (population: UNKNOWN), Phoebe
Leafy Seadragon LEAST CONCERN (population: DECREASING), Laura Gosset, Head of Education, Born Free
Green Turtle ENDANGERED (population: DECREASING), Martin, Sussex

Bigfin Squid DATA DEFICIENT (population: UNKNOWN), Oliver
Ocellate Octopus DATA DEFICIENT (population: UNKNOWN), Hayden
Green Turtle ENDANGERED (population: DECREASING), Emmie
Ocellate Octopus DATA DEFICIENT (population: UNKNOWN), Jamaymah
Ocean scene Lewis age 6
Living Planet Gallery Collection Alexis
Mandarinfish LEAST CONCERN (population: UNKNOWN), Angela
Various ocean species, Amberlilly age 8
Spiny Seahorse VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Amelie
White Shark VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Max
Pompom Crab LEAST CONCERN (population: UNKNOWN), Sharon
Blue Whale ENDANGERED (population: 5,000 - 15,000), Harry age 7
Spiny Seahorse VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Isla age 5
Ocean scene Kaitlyn
White Shark VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Emily age 2
Green Turtle ENDANGERED (population: DECREASING), Abby age 8

White Shark VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Aidan age 5

Glowing Sucker Octopus Stauroteuthis syrtensis DATA DEFICIENT(population: UNKNOWN), Dorothy
Pufferfish LEAST CONCERN (population: UNKNOWN), Madeleine

Spiny Seahorse VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING) Jess and Anna's Mother
Peacock Mantis Shrimp Odontodactylus scyllarus DATA DEFICIENT (population: UNKNOWN), Jess
Hawksbill Turtle CRITICALLY ENDANGERED (population: DECREASING), Theo age 5
Common Bottlenose Dolphin LEAST CONCERN (population: UNKNOWN), Daisy
White Shark VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Katie
Peacock Mantis Shrimp Odontodactylus scyllarus DATA DEFICIENT (population: UNKNOWN), Ariella age 4
Bluespotted Lagoon Ray LEAST CONCERN (population: INCREASING), Elijah age 8
Picasso Triggerfish LEAST CONCERN (population: INCREASING), Lee M.
Hawksbill Turtle CRITICALLY ENDANGERED (population: DECREASING), Portia
White Shark VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Freddie
Galathea Pilosa Squat Lobster DATA DEFICIENT (population: UNKNOWN), Harriet
Horned Ghost Crab DATA DEFICIENT (population: UNKNOWN), Nancy
Narwhal LEAST CONCERN (population: 123,000), Hannah
Study of museum collection, Grayson age 7
Galapagos Sea Lion ENDANGERED (population: 9,200 - 10,600), Cillian
White Shark VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Ian

White Shark VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Lily-mai
Picasso Triggerfish LEAST CONCERN (population: INCREASING), Bethany
Peacock Mantis Shrimp Odontodactylus scyllarus DATA DEFICIENT (population: UNKNOWN), Hamdan
Bluespotted Lagoon Ray LEAST CONCERN (population: INCREASING), Wadan
Sunflower Starfish CRITICALLY ENDANGERED (population: 80,627,721), Lilly-Rose
Flamingo Tongue Snail DATA DEFICIENT (population: UNKNOWN) Keira
Picasso Triggerfish LEAST CONCERN (population: INCREASING), Hani
Spiny Seahorse VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING) Florence
Leopard Seal LEAST CONCERN (population: 18,000) Lily age 4
Giant Pacific Octopus LEAST CONCERN (population: UNKNOWN) Omar
Giant Pacific Octopus LEAST CONCERN (population: UNKNOWN), Nancy
Stingcat discovered 28 October 2021 by Rosa
Southern Right Whale LEAST CONCERN (population: UNKNOWN) Logan
Pufferfish LEAST CONCERN (population: UNKNOWN), Natashia

Clarion Angelfish VULNERABLE (population: STABLE), Pufferfish LEAST CONCERN (population: UNKNOWN),
Leopard Seal LEAST CONCERN (population: 18,000),
Narwhal LEAST CONCERN (population: 123,000), Emily

Hawksbill Turtle CRITICALLY ENDANGERED (population: DECREASING), Ellie

Sockeye Salmon LEAST CONCERN (population: STABLE),
Narwhal LEAST CONCERN (population: 123,000), Miles
Spiny Seahorse VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Olivia P.

Spiny Seahorse VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Isla
Whale Shark ENDANGERED (population: DECREASING), Evie
Green Humphead Parrotfish VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Annie
Giant Pacific Octopus LEAST CONCERN (population: UNKNOWN), Kyle
Whale Shark ENDANGERED (population: DECREASING), Lexi
Drawing of Living Planet Gallery collection, Millie
Ocean Sunfish VULNERABLE, Pufferfish LEAST CONCERN (population: UNKNOWN), Daisy
Ocean scene with White Shark VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Callum
Ocean scene, Amelia

Sea Angel DATA DEFICIENT (population: UNKNOWN), Lydia age 4
Common Bottlenose Dolphin LEAST CONCERN (population: UNKNOWN), Belinda B.
Crown Jellyfish DATA DEFICIENT (population: UNKNOWN), Phoebe age 3
Clarion Angelfish VULNERABLE (population: STABLE), April
Pufferfish LEAST CONCERN (population: UNKNOWN), Robyn
Common Bottlenose Dolphin LEAST CONCERN (population: UNKNOWN), Julie
Spiny Seahorse VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Julie
Crown Jellyfish DATA DEFICIENT (population: UNKNOWN), Elizabeth
Mandarinfish LEAST CONCERN (population: UNKNOWN), Elizabeth
Hawksbill Turtle CRITICALLY ENDANGERED (population: DECREASING), Pufferfish LEAST CONCERN (population: UNKNOWN), Brooklyn
Clarion Angelfish VULNERABLE (population: STABLE), Madeleine
Horned Ghost Crab DATA DEFICIENT (population: UNKNOWN), Anna
Ocellate Octopus DATA DEFICIENT (population: UNKNOWN), Arthur age 7
White Shark VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), artist age 4
Green Turtle ENDANGERED (population: DECREASING), Isabel age 6
Ocean Scene, Remy
Giant Pacific Octopus LEAST CONCERN (population: UNKNOWN), Fleur
Glowing Sucker Octopus Stauroteuthis syrtensis DATA DEFICIENT(population: UNKNOWN), young artist
Mandarinfish LEAST CONCERN (population: UNKNOWN), Juliet
White Shark VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Beatrice
Bower's Parrotfish NEAR THREATENED (population: UNKNOWN), young artist
Red Lionfish LEAST CONCERN (population: INCREASING), Sophia
Narwhal LEAST CONCERN (population: 123,000), Daddy and Jack age 3
Clarion Angelfish VULNERABLE (population: STABLE), Hollie
Narwhal LEAST CONCERN (population: 123,000), Molly

Spiny Seahorse VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), James H.
Giant Pacific Octopus LEAST CONCERN (population: UNKNOWN), Maisey
Green Turtle ENDANGERED (population: DECREASING), Effy age 5
Galathea pilosa Squat Lobster DATA DEFICIENT (population: UNKNOWN), Mason
Giant Pacific Octopus LEAST CONCERN (population: UNKNOWN), Freddie
White Shark VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), young artist
Giant Pacific Octopus LEAST CONCERN (population: UNKNOWN), young artist
Shamefaced Crab Calappa granulata DATA DEFICIENT (population: UNKNOWN), Anne Denton age 69
White Shark VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Tarun D.
Shamefaced Crab Calappa granulata DATA DEFICIENT (population: UNKNOWN), Lexi D. age 7
Ocean Scene with White Shark VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Lexi D. age 7
Glowing Sucker Octopus Stauroteuthis syrtensis DATA DEFICIENT(population: UNKNOWN), Ellie
Spiny Seahorse VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Hermione
Green Turtle ENDANGERED (population: DECREASING), Ellen
Leopard Seal LEAST CONCERN (population: 18,000), Spiny Seahorse VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Chloe age 7
Picasso Triggerfish LEAST CONCERN (population: UNKNOWN), Isla E.
Common Bottlenose Dolphin LEAST CONCERN (population: UNKNOWN), Spiny Seahorse VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Isla E.
Narwhal LEAST CONCERN (population: 123,000) and Tyrannosaurus Rex, Frankie C.
Narwhal LEAST CONCERN (population: 123,000), Neive
White Shark VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Bradley J.
11 November 2021
Over the last six years Jane has donated an annual drawing workshop to Newcastle United Foundation (NUF) and schools they work with. This year, alongside NUF's Alex Curran, and as part of their commitment to Sky Ocean Rescue campaign she delivered two Oceans workshops to Year 4 from Richard Coates C of E Primary, Ponteland.
Jane was hugely impressed by the children's drawings skills astonishing drawings which they created within the 45 minute practical drawing sessions. All children excelled themselves, and Jane was particularly proud of Will and Anthony who thought they couldn't draw, but as she continues to emphasise, "everyone can draw"! Both Will and Anthony created amazing drawings. Jane would like to thank Headteacher Mrs Cape, Year 4 teachers Mrs West, Mrs Bray and Mrs Robinson, Alex Curran and all the young artists for highlighting the unique beauty of ocean species through their incredible drawings. We are sure you will enjoy this set of expressive drawings as much as we have:
Fire Blenny UNCLASSIFED (population: UNKNOWN), Leo
Peacock Mantis Shrimp Odontodactylus scyllarus UNCLASSIFED (population: UNKNOWN), Charlie
Leopard Seal LEAST CONCERN (population: 18,000), Joah
Walrus VULNERABLE (population: 112,500), Will
Purple Striped Jellyfish UNCLASSIFIED (population: UNKNOWN)
Hawksbill Turtle CRITICALLY ENDANGERED (population: DECREASING), Ameliah
Glowing Sucker Octopus Stauroteuthis syrtensis DATA DEFICIENT(population: UNKNOWN), James
Spiny Gurnard LEAST CONCERN (population: UNKNOWN), Jessica
Scalloped Hammerhead Shark CRITICALLY ENDANGERED (population: DECREASING), Zaid
Clown Triggerfish UNCLASSIFIED (population: UNKNOWN), Casper
Hawksbill Turtle CRITICALLY ENDANGERED (population: DECREASING), Matilda
Purple Striped Jellyfish UNCLASSIFIED (population: UNKNOWN), Finn
Walrus VULNERABLE (population: 112,500), Charlie
Leopard Seal LEAST CONCERN (population: 18,000), Chloe
Fire Blenny UNCLASSIFIED (population: UNKNOWN), Thomas
Scalloped Hammerhead Shark CRITICALLY ENDANGERED (population: DECREASING), Sofia
Spiny Gurnard LEAST CONCERN (population: UNKNOWN), Jessica
Leopard Seal LEAST CONCERN (population: 18,000), Zaid
Clown Triggerfish DATA DEFICIENT (population: UNKNOWN), Oliver

Yeti Crab (Kiwa hirsuta) UNCLASSIFIED (population: UNKNOWN), Joah
Scalloped Hammerhead Shark CRITICALLY ENDANGERED (population: DECREASING), William

Purple Striped Jellyfish UNCLASSIFIED (population: UNKNOWN), Tommy
Peacock Mantis Shrimp Odontodactylus scyllarus UNCLASSIFIED (population: UNKNOWN), Charlie
Spiny Gurnard LEAST CONCERN (population: UNKNOWN), Charlie
Leopard Seal LEAST CONCERN (population: 18,000), Jamie

Purple Striped Jellyfish UNCLASSIFIED (population: UNKNOWN), Millie
Leopard Seal LEAST CONCERN (population: 18,000), Finn
Clown Triggerfish DATA DEFICIENT (population: UNKNOWN), James
Fire Blenny UNCLASSIFIED (population: UNKNOWN), Leo
Walrus VULNERABLE (population: 112,500), Matilda
Glowing Sucker Octopus Stauroteuthis syrtensis UNCLASSIFIED (population: UNKNOWN), Ava
Hawksbill Turtle CRITICALLY ENDANGERED (population: DECREASING), Year 4 student
Clown Triggerfish DATA DEFICIENT (population: UNKNOWN), Lexi
Clown Triggerfish DATA DEFICIENT (population: UNKNOWN), Alex Curran, NUFoundation
Pompom Crab (Lybia edmondsoni) UNCLASSIFIED (population: UNKNOWN), Euan
Leopard Seal LEAST CONCERN (population: 18,000), Anthony
Southern Right Whale LEAST CONCERN (UNKNOWN), Haydn
Walrus VULNERABLE (population: 112,500), Thomas
Scalloped Hammerhead Shark CRITICALLY ENDANGERED (population: DECREASING), Zainab
Clown Triggerfish DATA DEFICIENT (population: UNKNOWN), Zainab

Yeti Crab (Kiwa hirsuta) UNCLASSIFIED (population: UNKNOWN), Willow
Walrus VULNERABLE (population: 112,500), Bobby
Spiny Gurnard LEAST CONCERN (population: UNKNOWN), Ethan
Leopard Seal LEAST CONCERN (population: 18,000), Anthony
Pompom Crab R (Lybia edmondsoni) UNCLASSIFIED (population: UNKNOWN), Molly
Scrawled Cowfish LEAST CONCERN (population: STABLE), Daniel
Fire Blenny UNCLASSIFIED (population: UNKNOWN), Qais

Purple Striped Jellyfish UNCLASSIFIED (population: UNKNOWN), Gracie
Fire Blenny UNCLASSIFIED (population: UNKNOWN), Oliver
Leopard Seal LEAST CONCERN (population: 18,000), Hawksbill Turtle CRITICALLY ENDANGERED (population: DECREASING), Frankie
Scrawled Cowfish LEAST CONCERN (population: STABLE), Charlie
Fire Blenny UNCLASSIFIED (population: UNKNOWN), Charlotte
Green Humphead Parrotfish VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Charlotte
Southern Right Whale LEAST CONCERN (UNKNOWN), Christopher
Leopard Seal LEAST CONCERN (population: 18,000), Clown Triggerfish LEAST CONCERN (population: STABLE), Molly
Clown Triggerfish LEAST CONCERN (population: STABLE), Charlie
Glowing Sucker Octopus Stauroteuthis syrtensis UNCLASSIFIED (population: UNKNOWN), Renee

Yeti Crab (Kiwa hirsuta) UNCLASSIFIED (population: UNKNOWN), Manha
Spiny Gurnard LEAST CONCERN (population: UNKNOWN), Amelia
Green Humphead Parrotfish VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Amelia
Pompom Crab (Lybia edmondsoni) UNCLASSIFIED (population: UNKNOWN), Mia
Glowing Sucker Octopus Stauroteuthis syrtensis UNCLASSIFIED (population: UNKNOWN), Noah
Leopard Seal LEAST CONCERN (population: 18,000). Lily
Pompom Crab (Lybia edmondsoni) UNCLASSIFIED (population: UNKNOWN), Lily
Scalloped Hammerhead Shark CRITICALLY ENDANGERED (population: DECREASING), Lily
Green Humphead Parrotfish VULNERABLE (population: DECREASING), Robyn
Tiger ENDANGERED (population: 2,154-3,159 DECREASING), Ryan age 9, Gsnet School, Kenya