Wild Postcard Gallery California
Founded by Jane Lee McCracken in 2019 Where Did All the Animals Go? (WDATAG?) art and environmental education project in partnership with Born Free international wildlife charity launched the California Outreach Programme in April 2020 to showcase drawings by Californian's of their state's varied and rich wildlife. Also included are drawings by people from across the globe who have created drawings of Californian species. The first drawings for the gallery were created during WDATAG? Californian Wildlife Drawing Workshop in collaboration with the prestigious Laguna Art Museum and the museum's Imagination Celebration virtual event, April 25, 2020.
There are 305 species federally listed as endangered or threatened, some of which are endemic to California such as Ohlone tiger beetle, California condor and California tiger salamander. Check out the list of species here. For further details about Wild Postcard Gallery and how to submit your drawing please visit the main gallery here. Jane would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has contributed to Wild Postcard Gallery California.
Submitted drawings by people of all ages are displayed in annual sections. The following drawings were the first to be included in the gallery in 2020:
Kirsten and Rosie Rogers with their bee and butterfly drawings
Laguna Beach residents Kirsten Rogers and her daughter Rosie chose to make an incredible drawing of South California's beloved Monarch butterfly and an outstanding honey bee drawing. Kirsten said, "Rosie and I went on a scavenger bike ride this morning to inspire our art. Rosie found a Monarch and I found a bee - he's a Keyworker too."
Rosie and Kirsten displayed their drawings in the window of their house in celebration of creativity and in solidarity for nature’s gift of wildlife to us all.
The following drawings were created by attendees of all ages during Jane's Where Did All the Animals Go? workshop in collaboration with Laguna Art Museum, January 16, hosted by Nate Bench, the museum's Art Education and School Programs Associate:
Reddish Egret NEAR THREATENED Avian Loeza age 7 @avisaurusrex
Yosemite Toad ENDANGERED Avian Loeza age 7 @avisaurusrex
Ridgway's Rail NEAR THREATENED Nate Bench
Yosemite Toad ENDANGERED Anika age 11
California Condor CRITICALLY ENDANGERED Vivy age 11
Tule Elk PROTECTED SPECIES Rosie (age 12)
Ohlone Tiger Beetle ENDANGERED Sarah Wolsey
Humpback Whale LEAST CONCERN Sarah Wolsey
Ohlone Tiger Beetle ENDANGERED Sarah
Canada Lynx THREATENED CALIFORNIA Arabella age 5
Lucas Grieve age six and Linnea Grieve age eight created brilliant drawings exploring two wonderful endemic species of California, the San Francisco Garter Snake and Santa Catalina Island Fox. Both species are federally protected and listed as endangered.
In his drawing, Lucas not only highlights this beautiful snake species vibrant colouring but also employs great skill in the construction of the snake's skin patterns. This species inhabits San Mateo and Santa Cruz counties with around 1,000 - 2,000 remaining in the wild.
One of six subspecies of island fox which inhabit the Channel Islands of California, Linnea captures the adorable face of this species beautifully, bringing the fox to life with her amazing use of mark-making to suggest its fur. There are thought to be around 1,500 Santa Catalina Island foxes remaining in the wild.
Jane was heartened to receive the following statement from Linnea and Lucas's Mother, Shanette:
"What a wonderful idea to use art as an opportunity for children to learn and share about the endangered and threatened animals that live around them. These are two special species that my kids had not known about previously and now they have spent the good part of a day researching their conservation issues and drawing their pictures. This makes me so happy. Spreading awareness, appreciation, and hopefully one day, advocacy".
22 July 2020
In celebration of WDATAG? project's collaboration with Kenya, our PR Kirsten Rogers and her close friends, Amy and Laura created a coalition of cheetahs:
Cheetah VU Kirsten Rogers, Laguna Beach, California

November 8, 2020
As part of the prestigious Laguna Art Museum's Art & Nature Family Festival, 2020, Jane was invited to deliver a wildlife Biro drawing workshop. Children and families created the following outstanding drawings:
Sea Otters EN Iona Reller age 6, Irvine

Three-toed Sloth Avery age 8, California
Island Fox NT Tessa Durand age 10, California
African Lion VU Tessa Durand age 10, California
Sea Otter EN Sarah Durand age 10, California

Anna Hummingbird Jack Jameson age 6, California
Bird of prey Jack Jameson age 6, California

Brown Pelican Jamie Jameson, California
Anna Hummingbird Alec Turner, Laguna Beach
Hummingbird Amy Turner, Laguna Beach