Drawing for the Planet's (DftP) Chimpanzee Community project, in partnership with Liberia Chimpanzee Rescue and Protection (LCRP) and Born Free, raises awareness of endangered chimpanzees, and raises funds for LCRP’s vital work caring for over a hundred critically endangered Western chimpanzees, orphaned by the illegal bushmeat and pet trades.

Led by Jane Lee McCracken, artist and founder of Drawing for the Planet, over 500 children from the USA, the UK and Liberia participated in workshops organised by Jane, Born Free and LCRP. The children learned about chimpanzees and their pivotal role—as gardeners of the forest—while creating Biro drawings of LCRP's orphan chimpanzees.

The project aims to raise awareness of chimpanzees through the children's drawings, and to create a generation of chimpanzee champions!

"Chimpanzees are humankind’s closest relatives, sharing 99% of our genetic blueprint, and are highly social and deeply intelligent. A keystone species, these sentient mammals help sustain their forest habitat and thus mitigate climate change as these ‘green lungs’ store carbon and generate oxygen."  Born Free 

Deforestation and the illegal wildlife trade are decimating Western chimpanzee populations with as few as 18,000-65,000 wild individuals remaining. Their decline affects us all.

Our project page celebrates how amazing chimpanzees are through art and education.

Scroll down to see the following sections:

  • The Project
  • The Workshops
  • Chimpanzee Community film
  • Amazing Chimpanzees Legacy Resource
  • About Chimpanzees
  • The Artworks
  • The Exhibition
  • The Amazing Chimpanzees
  • The Chimpanzee Champions
  • About the Partners



Launched in 2022, Chimpanzee Community includes Amazing Chimps virtual and on-site interactive environmental education workshops, co-delivered by Laura Eastwood, Born Free's Head of Education, and Jenny Desmond, co-founder of LCRP, and drawing workshops delivered by Jane. 

As part of the project Jane has created montages for each participating school featuring all children's drawings. She also made Gardener of the Forest ballpoint pen drawing to raise funds for Born Free Education, LCRP and for the continuation of the project. See the montages and Jane's drawing in our The Artworks section.


In 2020 Jane was commissioned by the BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead to create an artwork in BALTIC Learning Lounge, inspired by BALTIC’s Animalesque exhibition. Jane delivered workshops to children from Gateshead schools, UK who were given the opportunity to raise awareness of endangered chimpanzees through their drawings. Chimpanzee Community was also inspired by LCRP and its orphan chimpanzees.

Following the installation of the Chimpanzee Community in BALTIC, Jane founded DftP and partnered with Born Free and LCRP to continue the project. Read more about the BALTIC project here:



In 2022-23, children from El Morro Elementary and Top of the the World Elementary, USA, and Belsay School and Ponteland Primary School, UK, participated in the Born Free and LCRP Amazing Chimpanzees workshops delivered virtually by Laura and Jenny, and Jane's onsite ballpoint pen drawing workshops. 

Laura and Jenny's workshops focused on why the great apes are important and chimpanzee facts–chimpanzees are one of our closest living relatives sharing 99% of our DNA–their rainforest habitat, why non-human animals are important to rainforests, the impact of deforestation and the illegal bushmeat and pet trades on chimpanzees, and how we can help protect chimpanzees and other wildlife.

Children were given the opportunity to watch Jenny's video featuring Mary Beauty, one of the orphan chimpanzees in LCRP's care. In the video Jenny discusses the often tragic circumstances that lead to chimpanzees being rescued by LCRP and the twenty-four hour care they receive on their arrival at the sanctuary. Mary Beauty's mother was killed by poachers for the illegal bushmeat trade when Mary Beauty was only days old.

While most of LCRP's chimpanzees cannot be safely returned to the wild due to the threat of poaching, LCRP's mission is to provide them with a beautiful natural habitat in which to play and explore.

"All of LCRP’s chimpanzee family members are orphans whose mothers and other family members were killed to be eaten; the young chimps were kept alive to be sold into the local and international pet trades.

LCRP works hand in hand with Liberia's Forestry Development Authority and other partners to combat illegal trade in chimpanzees and other protected wildlife. As part of Liberia's Law Enforcement Task Force, LCRP collaborates in enforcing existing laws, strengthening legislation, building capacity, and the development of innovative strategies and new initiatives." LCRP 

Jenny further explained that chimpanzees are not pets and should not be forced to live with humans. She emphasised that LCRP's mission is to keep chimpanzees in the wild where they belong. The chimpanzees at LCRP's sanctuary in West Africa are victims of the illegal bushmeat and pet trades. Their mothers were tragically killed - they require human surrogate mothers to meet their intense needs. 

Jenny said that thanks to LCRP's dedicated and loving team, these individuals are rehabilitated so they can thrive with other chimpanzees in a natural and safe environment for their lifetimes. They will always require their human family to ensure their happiness and wellbeing. 


In 2024, Jane visited Liberia to meet with Jenny and the LCRP team. They travelled to Gbor Kersein Public School, Nimba County, and Charlesville Public School and SNAFU Dock School in Grand Bassa County. 

The children were each given a copy of Born Free's Amazing Chimpanzees workbook. Wildlife ranger Grace Kotee Zansi and conservationist Allen Gweh gave talks to the children about the importance of chimpanzees to the forest and therefore humans too. The children also learned about the impact on chimpanzee families when chimpanzees are killed for the bushmeat and pet trades. The talks were followed by Jane's drawing workshops.


In Jane's workshops children were given the opportunity to use Jenny's photographs of LCRP orphan chimpanzees as inspiration for their drawings as well as the ballpoint pens Jane uses to make her drawings. 

She asked the artists to draw the chimpanzee only and not include any background, trees or branches present in the photograph. This approach emphasises the beautiful form and faces of the chimpanzees in the drawings. It also symbolises the habitat loss that is one of the greatest threats to chimpanzees. 

She encouraged the artists to imagine what the chimpanzees had seen with their eyes, to remember that each chimpanzee is an individual in their own right, that they have lost their mothers, and to form emotional connections with the chimpanzees while made their drawings—if we want to save wildlife, it is vital to make emotional connections with animal species; if we care, we want to conserve.

Jane also encouraged the children to express themselves, enjoy transporting their minds through drawing, celebrate their own unique drawing style, and embrace the fact that everyone can draw! 

Many of the Liberian children who participated hadn't draw before but they were overjoyed to have the opportunity to draw chimpanzees in ballpoint pen.   


Watch our film which provides a unique insight into Born Free, LCRP's and Jane's workshops and the chimpanzees at the heart of the project.   


Chimpanzees are one of five great apes along with gorillas, orangutans, bonobos and humans. There are four subspecies of chimpanzee:

  • western chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus)
  • Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzee ( t. ellioti)
  • central chimpanzee (P. t. troglodytes)
  • eastern chimpanzee ( t. schweinfurthii)

Chimpanzees share nearly 100% of our DNA, making them our closest living relatives. They not only share many of our physical traits but also many of our psychological and emotional ones too, including happiness, sadness, kindness, anger, and so much more.

Like humans, chimpanzees have opposable thumbs giving them great dexterity. Chimpanzees have coarse black or brown hair everywhere except on their faces, hands and feet and, unlike monkeys, do not have tails.

They live in large communities that can number more than 100 members but break off into smaller groups who travel in and out of the larger group – called fission-fusion. Chimpanzees have complex communication methods made up of sounds and body language such as hand gestures, facial expressions, and numerous vocalisations, including hoots, grunts, screams, and laughter. They enjoy forest fruits, plants, leaves, bark, flowers, seeds, insects and some chimpanzee groups will occasionally eat small reptiles or mammals as well.

Chimpanzees are one of the few species who use tools, using rocks to crack open nuts and sticks stripped of leaves to fish insects out of nests and logs.

It is estimated that only 150,000-200,000 chimpanzees remain in the wild. Populations are rapidly declining due to habitat loss, hunting, extractive industries, and capture for human use as pets, or in zoos, circuses, and medical research. 

Western chimpanzees can be found in Senegal, Mali, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Cote D’Ivoire, and Ghana. This subspecies lives in both forest and savannah habitats and, like all chimpanzees, play a vital role in keeping forests alive and healthy, forests that are a critical source of oxygen. Known as Gardeners of the Forest,’ chimpanzees eat over 200 types of food and travel large distances each day, dispersing the seeds through their dung, promoting forest growth, rejuvenating ecosystems, and playing an important role in forest restoration. 

You can help chimpanzees by telling others how amazing and important they are and supporting the efforts of rescue centers and chimpanzee conservation organizations. You can report the harm or suffering of chimpanzees in captivity via Born Free’s Raise the Red Flag campaign or by contacting Liberia Chimpanzee Rescue & Protection through their Contact Page or via whatsapp at +231776147565.


The following montages featuring all participating children's drawings were created by Jane for each school. Drawing for the Planet has presented schools in the UK, the USA and Liberia with large format prints to display and a banner has been installed in Charlesville Town Hall, Liberia. 


















The Chimpanzee Community exhibition 25 October - 23 November 2024 at the prestigious Queen's Hall Arts Centre, Hexham, UK displayed large format vinyls of the children's drawings, Jane's original drawing Gardener of the Forest, photographs of LCRP orphan chimpanzees by Jenny and Drawing for the Planet's film.


Meet some of LCRP's amazing chimpanzees, with photographs and descriptions by Jenny Desmond and drawings by our Chimpanzee Community 2 chimp champion children! To adopt an LCRP chimp, click on the links provided or donate to LCRP here:


Hori lost his eye when his mother was shot, and pellets hit him too. He is a very brave boy and one of the most loving chimpanzees to new babies coming in to LCRP. He loves to move from group to group saying hello each day.

Drawing by Hale, Top of the World Elementary School


It’s always fun to play with your feet! Mary Beauty certainly enjoys it. 

Drawing by Shaylee, El Morro Elementary School

Mary Beauty is the youngest chimpanzee ever to come into LCRP and possibly the world. She was just days old. Now she is a very cheeky chimpanzee!


Love arrived at LCRP in 2023 and was very sick but is now strong and active. Love lives up to her name – sweet and kind!

Drawing by Emily, Belsay Primary School


Yep—a good laugh! Joseph A.K.A Prime Minister loves cuddles.

Drawing by Anna, Ponteland Primary School

Prime Minister is a nickname that stuck. Originally named JOSEPH, this lovely boy arrived to LCRP in May 2019. He was small, sad and weak. His demeanor was very closed, and he was extremely fearful of everything. His fear was so intense that even the slightest sound caused tremors – at first we thought perhaps he had a fever but we quickly determined his shaking was based simply on the extreme trauma he’d experienced prior to meeting him.  His nickname, Prime Minister, came as he opened up and showed that in his own way he reigns supreme, getting what he wants and making his desires clear. Today Prime is assertive yet at the same time shy and needy. He loves mealtimes and is certain to get his share. Prime Minister is an expert groomer and nest builder, telling us he was likely with his family quite long before he was taken by humans. LCRP’s ‘Prime Minister’ is adored by everyone on the team even though he is highly selective about returning their affection. ADOPT Prime Minister here:


“I am still recovering from my sad times.” Gloria: an independent explorer

Drawing by Ralph, Belsay Primary School, UK

Gloria was confiscated in the far north of the country and ultimately had to be flown to LCRP due to roads that were unpassable. Her first few days were full of strange people, places and travel. Gloria arrived very thin and scared and needed a lot of one on one attention in a safe and loving environment. Arriving shortly after younger orphan Gola, Gloria had an instant friend with whom to spend her quarantine, offering them both a chance to get 24/7 surrogate mothering and be with other chimps. While she gets along with everyone and loves to play, she is also very independent, spending a lot of her time exploring on her own. Gloria is introspective and seems to absorb all things around her in wonder. Gloria's gorgeous face, lovely disposition endear her to all she meets. ADOPT Gloria here:


“I am super excited to play with this mountain of cerelac!". Bui: boisterous and sweet

Drawing by Shamsher, Top of the World Elementary School

Bui was brought to LCRP by a Peace Corp volunteer with the surname Bui. While we are very grateful Bui ended up in our care but we also found out that his rescuer had paid for him, which while understandable, sadly leads to more killings of chimpanzees and the sale of more orphans as it feeds the trade and creates demand. We used the opportunity to ensure that other volunteers are requested at the start of their placements to report wildlife for sale or killed but to refrain from giving money to sellers. Bui arrived quite sick and extremely skinny. He had likely been held for some time by his captors after they’d killed his mother. He had shrapnel lodged in his body in multiple locations and was severely dehydrated. Shy by nature and of course traumatized, Bui took quite a while to emerge into the sweet, fun, playful and loving chimp he is today. Bui has grown into a boisterous boy. Eventually Bui decided he enjoyed the antics of the older boys and girls and the playtime in the group and decided to stay for good. ADOPT Bui here:


Ella is enjoying eating a piece of melon that’s almost as big as she is—just look at that smile! Ella: thriving after a tough rescue

Drawing by Ivy, El Morro Elementary School

Ella was being sold in multiple locations - we were getting reports from various people around the city but kept losing her when attempting her rescue. Finally we were able to arrange somewhat of a “sting” operation and organize our team, the wildlife authorities and the police and capture one of the criminals. We successfully took Ella out of his hands and into ours. On arrival, Ella’s physical and mental condition was better than some chimpanzees we’ve rescued but she had clearly suffered trauma and neglect. Like many of our chimps, she has scars from bullet shrapnel most likely resulting from the shots fired to kill her mother. At first Ella was a bit confused and unnaturally going from stranger to stranger, unsure of whom she should go for food or care. However, she firmly bonded with her caregivers, which is always a very good sign of trust and security. Today Ella is still a joy and a half. She has an amazing laugh and is a very curious and fun little girl. Ella has a very distinct food grunt making it very clear she loves her meals! ADOPT Ella here:


"Kieran wants to hold my hand." 

Drawing by Lucy, Belsay Primary School

Baby Kieran is brave and resilient, overcoming seizures he suffered when younger. He is is very active boy who likes to bite for fun!


“Relaxing in the afternoon.” Max: leadership and laughs.

Drawing by Ewan, Belsay Primary School

Max arrived to LCRP at a very young age, estimated at only about four months old. Unlike many of the chimps who come to the rescue center, Max had spent very little time with humans between the time his family was killed and making it to the safety of proper caregivers. While he had a very traumatic start at a very young age, has done quite well with intensive 24/7 surrogate mothering. At LCRP we attempt to replicate what these infants would be getting get their real moms. Max has grown into an extremely happy and smiley chimp who loves to play and laugh. Max is a leader among the younger and older chimpanzees in the different nursery groups. He is a ham and loves getting attention, especially laughs at his antics.  While there is no way to replace Max's mom or his life in the wild, we hope he has found safety, comfort and happiness here at LCRP! ADOPT Max here:


“I’m taking a big jump.” Poppy: mischievous and smiley

Drawing by Harry, Belsay School

Poppy, nicknamed Picky P, is one of the most vibrant, smiley chimps at Liberia Chimpanzee Rescue & Protection. Poppy came in with a smile and it never wavered, a miracle considering she was a very young infant who’d lost her mother and was confiscated at a checkpoint while her captors were trying to smuggle her through to the city for sale. Poppy has a lot of energy, loves to climb and especially enjoys jumping from high spots to land on her chimpanzee ‘siblings’ or her caregivers. Poppy is smart, funny, and friendly, getting along with all of the chimpanzees. Poppy arrived small and thin but with the positive outlook she maintains today. She is confident and sweet but also mischievous.  Her growth has been wonderful to watch and she is getting to be quite tall as she blossoms. ADOPT Poppy here:


“I am learning how to swing.” Gaia: a vivacious rascal

Drawing by Penny, Top of the World Elementary School

Gaia was the youngest chimpanzee infant ever to come to Liberia Chimpanzee Rescue & Protection. She was so young that she didn't have any teeth and was still unable to grasp or control any of her movements. We were terrified that Gaia wouldn’t survive those first weeks, months and to this day everyone at LCRP is protective of this little, now big, girl. Gaia is named after LCRP founder Jenny Desmond’s mom who passed away on the same date (a few years earlier) that Gaia arrived. She changed the feeling of that date forever. It's now a day to celebrate rather than only to mourn. Gaia is absolutely stunning with her dark features and beautiful eyes. Starting out as such a tiny little person has not stopped Gaia from growing into a strong, vivacious, rascal. While she took much, much longer to achieve milestones than the other chimps, once she did, she was suddenly climbing everywhere - confident and curious. She is also extremely active girl and hard to keep up with all day. She is a handful but fiercely loved by all. ADOPT Gaia here:


“I am still very sad and hungry, so I am staying very close to the food they keep sharing with me.” PaJoe: endearing and playful

Drawing by Elena, Ponteland Primary School

PaJoe arrived at LCRP after being confiscated by police, who found him being sold by a woman known for killing and selling chimp meat and their surviving orphans. PaJoe had a dislocated shoulder and badly broken arm. He was severely depressed, and didn’t really want to accept food, touch, love or interaction for several days. While he chose to keep his distance he was still given 24/7 care and after some time eventually gave in to the attention. Once he decided to trust and accept, PaJoe wanted no end to it. Luckily LCRP’s caregiving team are always up for the task and were more than happy to provide. PaJoe’s arm has healed almost perfectly. He has thrived in the loving environment with caregivers, excellent nutrition, enrichment, and most of all other chimpanzees with whom to share his days. He has a tendency to bite (very hard) when he is excited so with PaJoe – love bites must be taken with a grain of salt. PaJoe is a real character! ADOPT PaJoe here:


“Aren’t I super brave right now?". 

Drawing by Abby, El Morro Elementary School

Leigh Leigh is a funny and rambunctious girl who leads the group in activities and play – a lovely chimpanzee.


Ray Ray is enjoying his breakfast while thinking about what the day will bring. Most likely he will be running, climbing and jumping with his brothers and sisters.

Drawing by Clark, Top of the World Elementary School


"I am feeling a bit silly and also a bit nervous about going higher in the tree." 

Drawing by Sophia, Top of the World Elementary School

Barbie almost didn’t make it but she is a true survivor and now a bright star at LCRP.


“I hate rainy days.” 

Drawing by Penelope, El Morro Elementary School

Like many humans, chimpanzees don’t like the rain and Milo is not exception. Most days, Milo is playful and happy in the forest with his friends.


“I am sad and needing comfort.” 

Drawing by Hudson, Top of the World Elementary School

This was Patricia when she arrived at LCRP. Now she is a strong and playful girl, and growing fast and tall.


“I am feeling very silly.” 

Drawing by Primrose, Belsay Primary School

Hilly rhymes with silly and its perfect for him as he is silly and fun. He is a loving but very active boy!


“I am still new and still sad, but it seems like these humans are nice and give me sweet pineapple.” 

Drawing by Jacob, Jameson Manor, Ponteland

Beckley has grown from small and sad to small and happy – he thinks biting is fun and everyone gets out of his way when he wears his bitey face.


“I am very, very sad after seeing my family killed, being kept in a box, and being sold from human to human.” 

Drawing by Alfie, Jameson Manor, Ponteland

Tracey was quite big when she arrived at LCRP meaning she’d been in poor condiotons for a long time. However, Tracey decided to accept us and thrived in LCRP’s caregivers’ care growing into a lovely young lady.


As Lucy is older, she likes to look after the little ones like Gola. Lucy: loves food and to be tickled; Gola: a loving and silly girl

Drawing by Ewan, Belsay Primary School


Lucy was brought directly to LCRP by a woman who was keeping her illegally as a “pet” - estimated to be 4-5 months old. According to the woman surrendering Lucy, she was being held at the age of only 1-2 weeks by a man in the village. He gave her the baby, who she decided to keep until she realized she could no longer care for her properly. It is believed the woman was attempting to sell the baby but changed her story when she found out this was illegal and she could be prosecuted. Lucy is now being cared for by LCRP. Lucy suffered from severe anxiety upon being separated from her human surrogate mother but after only a few days of round the clock care and greatly improved nutrition, she slowly recovered and bonded with her new caregivers. Lucy is now a very active and agile chimp and a true survivor. Lucy has a lovely face and a sweet expression with big brown eyes that stare with intensity. ADOPT Lucy here:


Gola arrived at a mere two months of age! With no teeth and weighing only a few pounds, she was a teeny tiny little girl. Gola was literally taken from one hand of her mother's killer while he held the cut up body parts of her mother in his other. Sadly, with only one ranger on duty, he rushed to grab Gola and the hunter ran off with Gola's mother to be sold on the black market. Gola needed intense one on one attention and stayed with LCRP's founders for a long time before she was even close to transitioning to a second surrogate Mom. It was a very stressful time for everyone, unsure of how she would do at such a young age. However, it soon became obvious that Gola is a survivor and that she wanted to not only survive but THRIVE! Gola is adorable, loving, active, funny, and silly. She has grown into a strong and stocky little girl and is loved by all the chimps and caregivers. Gola's beautiful face and intense eyes make her riveting to look at and her great personality is lovely to watch. ADOPT Gola here:


Smiling eyes. Jack: cuddly and playful

Drawing by Thomas, Belsay Primary School

Jack was brought to LCRP hidden in a backpack, covered in ants and almost hairless. In our care, Jack's sad eyes became bright and his weight and hair completely recovered. The terrible skin infection he had from living in the bag with ant infestation was treated and cured but he still tends to have sensitive skin and possibly always will due to his early childhood neglect! Jack loves to play and is very demanding of his caregivers, after having such a lack of love and nurturing prior to coming to LCRP. Jack is an incredible climber and swinger and adores roughhousing with his caregivers. He also loves to be cuddled. ADOPT Jack here:


"Look at me dipping my toe in the paddling pool!"

Drawing by Hale, Top of the World Elementary School

Connie, whose full name is Conrad, is a true comedian, making everyone laugh - chimps and humans alike!


“Thinking about my next move.”

Drawing by Gia, El Morro Elementary School

Rebecca, nicknamed RB, was a tough case when she arrived, but has now become an important and well loved member of LCRP’s chimpanzee family.


“I am looking for trouble when you aren’t expecting it.” 

Drawing by Asher, El Morro Elementary School

His face says it all – Chocky is cheeky and gets into trouble wherever he can!


“I love my surrogate mommy, Princess.”

Drawing by Samuel, Ponteland Primary School

Rudy is the fifth baby who arrived at LCRP, at the same time as Lucy. Rudy is now a big boy, but he is till so gentle and sweet.


“I am relaxing after lots of playtime.”

Drawing by Madison, Top of the World Elementary School


Zacc is very silly sometimes, but he is ever so sweet!

Drawing: anonymous, UK

Zacc is growing fast and is a real character, goofy and joking with everyone. He has a great sense of humor.


“I am about to jump into your arms.”

Drawing: anonymous, UK

Tom Tom is loved by all and rightly so. He is sweet and playful and now becoming a big cute boy!


Johnny is thinking about life. Johnny: a kind and gentle person

Drawing by Aaron, Ponteland Primary

Johnny was reported in someone’s backyard and LCRP along with Liberian wildlife authorities set out to investigate. When we arrived we were shocked to find a full grown adult man chained to a tree and screaming desperately. Upon further research we were told that Johnny’s family had been killed many years prior and he had been purchased illegally as a “pet”. However, when he became naturally more rambunctious at about age three according to his captors - he ‘required’ confinement, meaning he’d been chained for 10 years with only a small cage for shelter, outcast from the family who once ‘loved’ him. Johnny was given alcohol almost daily to keep him quiet, a stick was used to keep him under control. Devastating. While one would think Johnny would never grow to trust again, he has proven to be a remarkable person – loving, kind, gentle and quick to laugh. He is adored by everyone at LCRP including the little ones who interact with him every day through the enclosure. His body condition was very poor upon arrival, the size of a 6-7 year old although his age is estimated at 13. However, he has gained great strength and loves to play and be groomed and simply spend time with caregivers who provide him with 24/7 TLC. We are so inspired by Johnny. ​ADOPT Johnny here:


"I am so relieved to be here – I was in a dirty box and couldn’t use my legs because I was kept tied up for so long – now I am safe and learning to have fun." Chance: an inspiration and a joy

Drawing by Rafe, Belsay Primary School

Chance is a true miracle. Her story is an example of how one’s spirit can overcome great tragedy, trauma and abuse to soar and embrace life and love. Someone on our team spotted Chance hidden in the back corner of a shop in a cardboard box. Seeing Chance for the first time was shocking. She was in terrible condition and exhibiting stereotypical rocking behavior caused by stress and trauma. Her head was extremely swollen, filled with fluid. She was greatly underweight and her legs were atrophied due to her confinement in the box with no chance for movement or exercise. When we got her to LCRP’s sanctuary we could see that she was certainly old enough to walk, move, climb and eat all kinds of food. She’d simply been deprived of all of these opportunities by her human captors. Over days and weeks, Chance’s swelling went down, her eating went up and she began to move about more and more with each passing day. Her indomitable spirit was apparent immediately. This little girl wanted to live and she was committed to getting better and surviving! Today Chance is physically ‘perfect’ with no signs of her injury except a hidden indentation in her skull. She is full of life and joy and love. Her eyes shine bright. She is playful and active and has a very contagious laugh! She is one of our miracles! ADOPT Chance here:


Meet more of our young artists! We are so proud of each and everyone of our artists who worked extremely hard to create extraordinary drawings of the LCRP chimpanzees they championed. We couldn't wish for more dedicated CHIMPANZEE CHAMPIONS!




Amazing Chimps educational resource will be available as a free download from the Born Free website. A link will also be available here and via LCRP's website.


The DftP team including DftP Volunteer, veterinary nurse Sue Etherington, worked with Belsay's former Head Teacher, Claire Johnson.


Liberia Chimpanzee Rescue and Protection (LCRP) is the first and only chimpanzee sanctuary and conservation center in Liberia rescuing chimpanzees who are victims of the illegal bushmeat and pet trades. Almost 100 orphaned chimpanzees, most still babies or children, are currently under the care of LCRP. Each month, more captive chimpanzees are confiscated, allowing for the enforcement of Liberia's wildlife laws. Without the ability to confiscate wildlife, authorities cannot protect and preserve chimpanzees. LCRP’s Sanctuary and Conservation Center is dedicated to improving the lives of chimpanzees, both wild and orphaned, through rescue, rehabilitation, protection and conservation. Through the work of LCRP, orphaned chimpanzees are confiscated, rescued and rehabilitated. LCRP’s collaborative partnerships are propelling Liberia’s chimpanzee protection, education, and conservation initiatives forward. Visit LCRP here:


Born Free works tirelessly to ensure that all wild animals, whether living in captivity or in the wild, are treated with compassion and respect and are able to live their lives according to their needs. As a leading wildlife charity, they oppose the exploitation of wild animals in captivity and campaign to keep them where they belong – in the wild.

Born Free promotes Compassionate Conservation to enhance the survival of threatened species in the wild and protect natural habitats while respecting the needs and safeguarding the welfare of individual animals. They seek to have a positive impact on animals in the wild and protect their ecosystems in perpetuity, for their own intrinsic value and for the critical roles they play within the natural world.

Visit Born Free here:


We are a global art and environmental education charity with drawing, one of the oldest forms of communication, at its core. Founded by artist Jane Lee McCracken, to share her passions for drawing and wildlife, we partner with international wildlife charity Born Free, conservationists, artists, educators and cultural institutions. Through our art, education, exhibition and conservation fundraising projects we give children, communities and wildlife a voice. Watch our video and visit us at:

Support our global projects, help protect wildlife and give the gift of art and wildlife by donating or becoming a member here:


Shh it's a Tiger! 2013 Biro drawing © Jane Lee McCracken

Jane Lee McCracken constructs intricate, multi-layered Biro drawings, sculptures, installations as well as product designs. Her work represents the beauty of life and its brutal realities, exploring the loss to both humans and animals caused by human destructiveness. She is the founder and CEO of Drawing for the Planet global art, environmental education and conservation charity. 

Over the last decade, she has raised funds for conservation organisations through her art and delivered drawing and environmental education workshops to thousands of people across the world. In 2019 she founded the Where Did All the Animals Go? project in partnership with Born Free and in 2021 Drawing for the Planet. Explore Jane's art:

Drawing for the Planet would like to thank LCRP, Born Free, and all participating children, staff, communities and our volunteers.